Rust guest tools 0.4.0

Time for a fresh release of our new Linux/BSD guest tools!

What's new

We're thrilled to introduce a handy new feature: from now on, we're statically linking the libxenstore library.

This means we can offer a standalone binary, eliminating any extra dependencies. It's super convenient for deployment (no more dependency headaches!) and especially beneficial for RHEL-derived distributions, where dealing with outdated or missing dependencies is now a thing of the past (for example, libxenstore is NOT shipped in RHEL-derived distros).

Bug fixes

In addition to the new feature, we've squashed a bug – or rather, tweaked a behavior. Now, the network information previously stored (from a previous fetch eg from another tool or an older version) is cleared on start.

How to install or update

Already using our Rust tools from our Debian repository (see below)? Just run an apt update and apt upgrade, and you're all set!

Rust guest tools 0.3.0
Discover the seamless integration and enhanced functionality of the new Rust guest agent in its latest 0.3.0 version for Linux and BSD systems.

Otherwise, follow the same process to install it on Debian-based distros. If you use an RPM based distro, the RPM is available here:

Artifacts · pkg-rpm-x86_64 (#6041686376) · Jobs · xen-project / Xen Guest Agent · GitLab

For other Linux distro or FreeBSD, you can check the release page with all the binaries available:

Releases · xen-project / Xen Guest Agent · GitLab

As always, we're eager to hear your thoughts. Join the conversation in our dedicated thread:

New Rust Xen guest tools
Hello there! We need some feedback on our latest Debian test package for the new Linux guest tools Some context first:…

Enjoy the update!