2023-09-26 18:25:08,644 ERROR XenAdmin.Actions.AsyncAction [43] - System.Exception: Failed to import. ---> System.IO.InvalidDataException: Failed to add resource Hard Disk Image. ---> System.Exception: Failed to import virtual disk file. ---> System.Exception: Failed to import a virtual disk over iSCSI. ---> System.Exception: Failed to start the Transfer VM. ---> XenAPI.Failure: The requested plug-in could not be found. at XenAPI.JsonRpcClient.Rpc[T](String callName, JToken parameters, JsonSerializer serializer) at XenAPI.Host.call_plugin(Session session, String _host, String _plugin, String _fn, Dictionary`2 _args) at XenOvfTransport.iSCSI.StartiScsiTarget(Session xenSession, String vdiuuid, Boolean read_only) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at XenOvfTransport.iSCSI.StartiScsiTarget(Session xenSession, String vdiuuid, Boolean read_only) at XenOvfTransport.iSCSI.Connect(Session xenSession, String vdiuuid, Boolean read_only) at XenOvfTransport.Import.UploadiSCSI(Session xenSession, String sruuid, String label, Stream filestream, Int64 capacity, String description, String vdiuuid) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at XenOvfTransport.Import.UploadiSCSI(Session xenSession, String sruuid, String label, Stream filestream, Int64 capacity, String description, String vdiuuid) at XenOvfTransport.Import.ImportFile(Session xenSession, String vmname, String pathToOvf, String filename, String compression, String version, String passcode, String sruuid, String description, String vdiuuid) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at XenOvfTransport.Import.ImportFile(Session xenSession, String vmname, String pathToOvf, String filename, String compression, String version, String passcode, String sruuid, String description, String vdiuuid) at XenOvfTransport.Import.AddResourceSettingData(Session xenSession, XenRef`1 vmRef, RASD_Type rasd, String pathToOvf, String filename, String compression, String version, String passcode) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at XenOvfTransport.Import.AddResourceSettingData(Session xenSession, XenRef`1 vmRef, RASD_Type rasd, String pathToOvf, String filename, String compression, String version, String passcode) at XenOvfTransport.Import.Process(EnvelopeType ovfObj, String pathToOvf, String passcode) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at XenOvfTransport.Import.Process(EnvelopeType ovfObj, String pathToOvf, String passcode) at XenAdmin.Actions.OVFActions.ImportImageAction.Run() at XenAdmin.Actions.AsyncAction.RunWorkerThread(Object o)