HowTo: Compile Latest Adaptec Driver for Adaptec ASR-8405E on XCP-NG 8.2
Hi everyone!
See story below!
- Install Buildtools:
yum install make gcc kernel-devel
Download latest driver for your Card - maybe works also for other Adaptec Cards:
--> Linux Driver Source -
Unpack the Sourcefolder
For the compilation to work for XCP-NG you have to specifiy the C-Preprocessor-Definition: "AAC_CITRIX"! (add "#define AAC_CITRIX" to the beginning of the aacraid.h-File.)
sed -i '1s/^/#define AAC_CITRIX\n/' ~/aacraid-1.2.1-60001/aacraid.h
- Compile
- Copy resulting Kernel-Module into the Place where it is called.
cp aacraid.ko /lib/modules/4.19.0+1/updates/
depmod -a modprobe -v aacraid dracut -f /boot/initrd-4.19.0+1.img 4.19.0+1
- To check initramfs:
lsinitrd /boot/initrd-4.19.0+1.img | grep aacraid
Reboot and be Happy - hopefully
I replaced my Adaptec ASR-6405E PCI-Raid-Controller-Card with the ASR-8405E.
Getting the Adaptec ASR-6405E to run was quite a challange for me, see this forum-post how to do it.
With the Kernel and the ALT-Kernel I got no connection to the controller -> If I remember correctly; Maybe I failed to Update Initramfs from my old raid-card-driver which caused this - I am not sure because I am still learning how linux works.
I got the following following Error during boot (and dmesg | head) - not sure anymore what driver was loaded:
AAC0: fib_map_alloc:pci_alloc_consistent failed
After a lot of involvment with the Source-Code of the Driver of Adaptech my insight was that there are two Driver Branches of the so called "aacraid" driver.
One is maintained from Linux Kernel Team ( and the other from the manufacturer Adaptec ( 8.2 uses at the moment of this writing the Driver Version from the Linux Branch:
microsemi-aacraid: (built-in) 1.2.1[50877]-custom Source1: <--???
I don't know how PCI works and I am not a Driver-Developer but the following code-area here is the source of the fib_map_alloc error. It seems that Xenserver has other restrictions on some pci-parameters than the normal Linux kernel - therfore it's necessary to give the Compiler the Preprocessor-Definition "AAC_CITRIX" so that some allocated Memory gets properly managed by the driver to work with XCP-NG.
Filename: comminit.c (Driver Version 56008 from Adaptec-Website) ... if (aac_is_src(dev)) { #if(defined(AAC_CITRIX)) /*<------ /* if (host -> can_queue > 248) host -> can_queue = 248; #elif(defined(CONFIG_XEN) && LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 19)) if (host -> can_queue > 128) host -> can_queue = 128; #else if (host -> can_queue > (status[3] >> 16) - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB) host -> can_queue = (status[3] >> 16) - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB; #endif } else if (host -> can_queue > (status[3] & 0xFFFF) - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB) host -> can_queue = (status[3] & 0xFFFF) - AAC_NUM_MGT_FIB; dev -> max_num_aif = status[4] & 0xFFFF; } else aac_info(dev, "Driver Init: GET_COMM_PREFERRED_SETTINGS 0x%lx failed\n", (unsigned long) status[0]); ...
Now the Adapter is working on the latest Adaptec-Driver :-).
Thank You all being a part of this wounderful project!
turned out that this is not necessary. An easier option is to simply add the bootparameter
before booting into xcp-ng.
As of my current understanding this makes sure that the xen-specific larger management fib size of 16 is taken into account (the driver default is 8).
Only tested on Version 8.2.1