VMware replacement on VXrail hardware
We're in the middle of considering having a look at XCP-NG+XOSTOR with a view to replacing VMware running oue Dell VXrail platforms.
Has anyone done this? What problems did you encounter?
Should we be looking at NFS/FC SRs instead?
I'm aware XOSTOR doesn't currently support 8.3 and that there's still a 2tb limit but I'm curious what peoples experiences are of doing this.
@davx8342 All servers are Hyperconverged, every server for the entire history of servers.
To ask, how much storage is on your VXRail system today that is shared?
Could this not be better managed using your standard NAS/SAN providers like Synology, 3PAR etc?I've not used XOStor, but since it's not fully supported on 8.3 yet I don't know that I would consider it feasible until it's fully supported.
Do you have a lot of VMs with more than 2TB of disk attached to each (just curious). I too would love for this to be gone lol.
@DustinB Our smallest VXrail is 6 nodes and 31tb and there's a few in between up to our largest which is 16 nodes 400tb.
All of our other Vmware clusters are Dell Blades which use FC.
The goal would be to use the existing VXrail hardware without having to purchase new FC cards, storage etc.
We're not adverse to using 8.2, I just mentioned it to demonstrate I've at least done some reading on the subject!
To my knowledge, none of our existing VMs are >2tb.
@davx8342 That's a ton of storage, holy cow!
So two pools currently, 6 Servers 31TB Shared, and then 16 servers and 400TB Shared. I honestly don't know if there is an upper or lower limit to the amount of storage supported with XOStor, I'd imagine it would work but someone else would have to confirm.