Kubernetes in production?
We are planning to move from VMs to Kubernetes for our websites. We are currently testing the hub feature in XOA, but need more information about the best way to leverage our current resources for kubernetes.
We have a highly available TrueNAS all flash m40 SAN that we currently use NFS shares hosted on the TrueNAS for storage SR's in xcp-ng.
Is there any guidance on how to configure StorageClasses or LoadBalancer Services for production?
I'm a little lost on storage, and we're looking at an IngressController exposed as a NodePort Service on 80/443 for now.Also, it would be neat to have an IaC workflow (i.e. ekstcl) instead of a dialog. It might look something like this:
--- apiVersion: k8s.xcp-ng.org/v1alpha1 kind: KubernetesCluster metadata: name: my-cluster labels: k8s.xcp-ng.org/cluster-name: my-cluster spec: clusterVIP: gatewayIP: nameservers: - ip: - ip: searchDomains: - dev controlPlane: - name: control-plane-1 nodeIP: subnetMask: - name: control-plane-2 nodeIP: subnetMask: - name: control-plane-3 nodeIP: subnetMask: nodeGroups: bootstrap: # bootstrap/system nodes resources: cpu: 2 mem: 4096 labels: k8s.xcp-ng.org/node-group: system nodes: - name: worker-node-1 nodeIP: '' - name: worker-node-2 nodeIP: '' - name: worker-node-3 nodeIP: '' app_cluster: # e.g., a clustered app with well-aligned, isolated resources minInstances: 3 maxInstances: 15 resources: cpu: 4 mem: 8192 network: name: my-app-network addressRange: nodeTemplate: labels: k8s.xcp-ng.org/node-group: my-clustered-app memoryBound: # (e.g.) VMs configured to scale with higher memory ratios resources: cpu: 2 mem: 16384 labels: k8s.xcp-ng.org/node-group: memory computeBound: # (e.g.) VMs configured to scale with higher processor limits resources: cpu: 4 mem: 8192 labels: k8s.xcp-ng.org/node-group: compute
You can user the nfs provisioner: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/nfs-subdir-external-provisioner
It gives you persistant-volumes as qcow2 images in a nfs share. this is a good solution if you have a high-available nfs storage.
k8s really can be very problematic so i would recommend to use as much default solutions and as few as possible vendor-solutions like csi-drivers. we had a really bad time with the vmware-csi-driver for example.
if you would like a capable k8s distribution i would recommend rke2 (from rancher) it is free and easy to install.
as loadbalancer we used metal-lb which is quite standard and very easy to configure.
if you are running the ingress-controller as node-port-service you must have an external load-balancer
@rfx77 Great information!
Considering we have a full HA Truenas SAN, we are most likely going to use https://github.com/democratic-csi/democratic-csi/blob/master/examples/freenas-nfs.yaml
If we go with a k8s distribution like rke2, is there xcp-ng guest tools support and if so when during the process would we install the tools on the nodes?
i would install the guest-tools right from the start after base install of the os.
create min 3 nodes, install them as you like with guest-tools and then install the first rke2-node. read the docs how to config metallb on rke2. you have to do a small config tweak in the nginx ingress controller config
then add the other nodes.
to manage rke2 i would use openlens.
you can use democtratic-csi but be aware that you completely trust truenas and this opensource-project for your data. i dont think that i would go this route when i am not expirienced with k8s.
i would use the nfs-provisioner and when everything works fine and you have a solid csi-enabled backup you can add democratic-csi in the mix.
for us, backup and restore was the biggest problem. in theory everything seebs easy with k10 or velero but if you completely shoot your cluster you will have a very hard time.
to be honest, after 6 month and some installations we gave up on k8s and migrated our customers and our internal IT to a setup where we use openSuse MicroOS VMs for every docker-compose project. We now have approximately the same amount of VMs which we had as namespace but with the benefit of complete control over resources with very little overhead. And we have the benefit of an optimal backup and restore.
K8S bite me quite a bit too often