Guide to getting Fedora CoreOS, Portainer and Xen Orchestra Docker Support working
I have spent way longer than I should have trying to getting a VM running Fedora CoreOS with Portainer installed as a Docker connected to xscontainer and Xen Orchestra so I thought I'd document the journey.
To be honest once Portainer is installed I'm not sure the rest is really worth the effort to connect Docker to Xen Orchestra it but I wasn't going to let this beat me
If you only want a quick way to get Fedora CoreOS + Portainer up and running steps 5 -> 14 should have you covered.
Also I've seen in the forum that
isn't supported for Xen 8.2 so is only provided "as-is".I'm really new to XCP-NG (this VM is only the second I've installed after the Xen Orchestra one so any feedback much appreciated)
- Download the Fedora CoseOS LiveDVS iso and upload it to XCP-NG ISO Storage(tested with version:
On your XCP-NG host
- Install xscontainer:
yum install xscontainer
- Fix issue with old python2-paramkiko library Note warninig here:
[Moderator UPDATE 2024-03-19 : DON'T DO THIS. This overrides system libs and "voids the warranty" - Stormi]
yum install python2-pip --enablerepo=epel pip2 install --upgrade "pip < 21" pip2 install --upgrade "cryptography == 2.5" pip2 install --upgrade "paramiko < 3"
- xscontainer - Apply utf-8 patch (from:
nano /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/xscontainer/util/
result = str(item)
result = item.encode('utf-8')
On a Linux machine with with Docker or use WSL do the following:
- Create a password hash for a password to login to Fedore CoreOS:
mkpasswd --method=yescrypt
- Create a Butane file:
variant: fcos version: 1.3.0 passwd: users: - name: core password_hash: <YOUR PASSWORD HASH> groups: - docker ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa <YOUR SSH PUBLIC KEY> storage: files: - path: /etc/hostname mode: 0644 contents: inline: | docker-vm - path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/20-enable-passwords.conf mode: 0644 contents: inline: | # Fedora CoreOS disables SSH password login by default. # Enable it. # This file must sort before 40-disable-passwords.conf. PasswordAuthentication yes - path: /etc/profile.d/ mode: 0644 contents: inline: | # Tell systemd to not use a pager when printing information export SYSTEMD_PAGER=cat - path: /etc/sysctl.d/20-silence-audit.conf mode: 0644 contents: inline: | # Raise console message logging level from DEBUG (7) to WARNING (4) # to hide audit messages from the interactive console kernel.printk=4 systemd: units: # Installing software as a layered package with rpm-ostree - name: rpm-ostree-install.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Install software with rpm-ostree After=systemd-machine-id-commit.service # We run before `zincati.service` to avoid conflicting rpm-ostree transactions. Before=zincati.service ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes # `--allow-inactive` ensures that rpm-ostree does not return an error # if the package is already installed. This is useful if the package is # added to the root image in a future Fedora CoreOS release as it will # prevent the service from failing. ExecStart=/usr/bin/rpm-ostree install --apply-live --allow-inactive xe-guest-utilities-latest ExecStart=/usr/bin/rpm-ostree install --apply-live --allow-inactive nmap ExecStart=/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp # Now reboot to make changes take effect ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl reboot [Install] # Start software that has been installed - name: postinst2.service enabled: true contents: | [Unit] Description=Initial System Setup Part 2 # We run this after the packages have been overlayed ConditionPathExists=!/var/lib/%N.stamp ConditionPathExists=/var/lib/rpm-ostree-install.stamp [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl enable xe-linux-distribution ExecStart=/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp # Now reboot to make changes take effect ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemctl reboot [Install] - name: docker.portainer.service enabled: true contents: |- [Unit] Description=Portainer Admin Container After=docker.service Requires=docker.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes TimeoutStartSec=0 ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker stop %n ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm %n ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker pull portainer/portainer-ce ExecStart=-/usr/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/shared_nfs/portainer_data # Privileged mode is required for binding to local socket to work due to SELINUX ( ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --privileged=true -d -p 9000:9000 --name %n --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop -t 15 %n [Install]
- Convert butane file to ignition file
sudo docker run -i --rm < coreos-for-xcp-ng.bu > coreos.ign
- Host the file for the VM
python3 -m http.server
Back on your XC_-NG host:
- Create a VM.
Template: CoreOS (probably not needed)
ISO: Select the Fedora CoreOS ISO
Disk: Set size to 9GiB (to avoid a warning in the VM)
On the newly created VM console. Host/Port are of the machine hosting the file in step (8):
curl -O <host>:<port>/coreos.ign sudo coreos-installer install /dev/xvda --ignition-file coreos.ign
Once the install is complete
On the VM - disable the DVD Drive (in XO this is under the Advanced tab).
Restart the VM. It is designed to reboot itself 2 times. -Watch the console for it to finish and don't interrupt it - especially on first power on when it will go to a login prompt for quite a long while - resist the urge to log in and let it finish.
Ensure you can login to the VM console with the username: core and password set in step (5)
Check Portainer works by going to
in a web browser create password and login.
On XCP-NG console:
Get the UUID of the VM - either
xe vm-list
or look in XO. -
xscontainer-prepare-vm -v <UUID> --username core
select "yes" options throughout.
You should now have CoreOS with Portainer setup and also see the Containers in XO in a "Container" tab when you select the VM.
I found another workaround (one-step solution) for the "Unable to verify key-based authentication error" without having to mess with any of the python packaging.
This would replace steps 3 and 4 above
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa
To your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file will make the VM accept the older authentication
I added a big warning in step 3 which should never be done outside a test host that you are ready to reinstall afterwards.
@codycrypto's comment is another workaround which replaces it without any impact on the host, but weakens the security by accepting weaker key types.