Remote not working
Hi. I recreate a XO installation from sources running under non-root user in debian 12.8. I am having trouble with remotes.
If a mount the remote with credentials inside the shell, It works fine but in XO I get the following error when testing the remote (the creation is OK)remote.test { "id": "d0776187-3a7b-4133-9eff-86b5d796fb17" } { "shortMessage": "Command was killed with SIGTERM (Termination): sudo mount -o -t cifs //\\VM-BACKUP/ /opt/xo/mounts/d0776187-3a7b-4133-9eff-86b5d796fb17", "command": "sudo mount -o -t cifs //\\VM-BACKUP/ /opt/xo/mounts/d0776187-3a7b-4133-9eff-86b5d796fb17", "escapedCommand": "sudo mount -o \"\" -t cifs \"//\\VM-BACKUP/\" \"/opt/xo/mounts/d0776187-3a7b-4133-9eff-86b5d796fb17\"", "signal": "SIGTERM", "signalDescription": "Termination", "stdout": "", "stderr": "Password for root@//\\VM-BACKUP/: ", "failed": true, "timedOut": false, "isCanceled": false, "killed": false, "message": "Command was killed with SIGTERM (Termination): sudo mount -o -t cifs //\\VM-BACKUP/ /opt/xo/mounts/d0776187-3a7b-4133-9eff-86b5d796fb17 Password for root@//\\VM-BACKUP/: ", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: Command was killed with SIGTERM (Termination): sudo mount -o -t cifs //\\VM-BACKUP/ /opt/xo/mounts/d0776187-3a7b-4133-9eff-86b5d796fb17 Password for root@//\\VM-BACKUP/: at makeError (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202411290859/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:60:11) at handlePromise (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202411290859/node_modules/execa/index.js:118:26) at SmbHandler._sync (/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202411290859/@xen-orchestra/fs/src/_mount.js:68:7)" }