xcp-ng host failure and xo did not flag it
So i had a crash on 1 of my xcp-ng servers today and when i went into XO (open source version) i see that the host was still listed as running and online. It did not detect that the server went down and flag anything.I also noticed no VM failure, but i am not sure if that is a miss config or just a bug. What does XO use to identify a host status?
@CFlannigan If you're pool is having host issues, I believe you'd get a Yellow Triangle and Exclamation point here.
Alternatively you can open your hosts view
And see your hosts status here, which by default shows all of your hosts.
And of course there is the netdata plugin that can be enabled, https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/2288/netdata-package-is-now-available-in-xcp-ng
Which will give you more performance metrics and health status.