Disable Remote desktop connection
when i try to access the console of my vm from Xcp-ng center . its launches Remote dekstop conenction instead of the console display on xcp-ng center . how to disable that ? i dont want the rdp connection to launch automatically
if if cancel / connect nothing happens , remote desktop conenction closed and i can see the actual console .
is there any way to disable the rdp session pop up ?
ping @michael.manley
@eswaran It is in the Program Options, look for "Automatically switch to the Remote Desktop console when it becomes available" under Console
@michael.manley @TeddyAstie Thanks for responding .
@michael.manley im using xcp-ng center , cant see the options you highlighted . -
@eswaran The setting he displayed was within a given VM, not at the host/pool level.
@eswaran It is in Tools > Options, this is at the program level, not a VM or Host
got it @michael.manley . thanks . unchecked that , will monitor and let you know . thanks so much