Adding OS Logo to XenOrchestra Home
I tried to make a new Logo (Scientific Linux) and did the following without any change on the icons:-
added in /opt/xo/xo-web/src/icons.scss the following lines
&-scientific {
@extend .fa;
@extend .icon-scientific;
} -
added in /opt/xo/xo-web/src/common/utils.js the following lines
scientific: ['scientific', 'sc'], -
added in /opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202401311946/node_modules/font-mfizz/src/svg/ the image scientific.svg
updated XenOrchestra and restartet the xo-server service
Can anyone help?
@erik-lukes You would clone the repo, update the necessary files and create a pull request. If the request is accepted, someone on the team will pull your PR and it'll be a part of the code going forward.
This post is deleted! -
i cloned the repo.
updated both files and created the pull requests (but didnt sent them yet).
I see how to upload a new file (scientific.svg) but dont know where to put this svg in? -
the local path would be like:
/opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestra-202401311946/node_modules/font-mfizz/src/svg/scientific.svgso i dont know where to place the .svg img to make a pull request for that one too
acutally i didnt found any logo for scientific linux but i took one that looks quite close/similiar
i found this lines of code (ex. mint) in the other topic (
on the right side my version as ex.NAME="Linux Mint"
VERSION="20.1 (Ulyssa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 20.1"
VERSION_ID="20.1"NAME="Scientific Linux"
VERSION="7.2 (Nitrogen)"
PRETTY_NAME="Scientific Linux 7.2"
VERSION_ID="7.2"do i forgot to add some more lines like those (up) for e.x. ?