Does Xen Orchestra Backup From different Pools When Concurrency is enabled?
Hi everyone, I have XOA connected to 6 pools with a total of 24 VMs. I set backup concurrency to 4 and thought it would pick VMs from different pools but it doesn't seem to be so.
In order to maximize resources, is there a way to prevent backing up 4 concurrent VMs from the same pool?
@Rudder715 You could set up a separate backup task for each pool. But keep in mind that they still all go through XO.
There have been requests to be able to set concurrency at a finer level, such as per host, but that hasn't been indicated as a feature that Vates is looking into.
Are you backing up with memory? IME, the suspend operation is what takes the longest and is most effected by concurrency.
@CJ Thanks for your response, I'm not backing up with memory and I do not have any bottleneck with XO even when concurrency is set to 6. I thought there is a setting I'm not aware of that could make backup run more efficiently by focusing on VMs from different pools.
@Rudder715 How long are your backups currently taking? Have you tried adjusting the concurrency up or down and how long did those take?
Also, are you doing full or incremental backups?
@CJ That's exactly what I'm doing now. Backup takes 8 hours with no concurrency, 4 hours with concurrency set to 4 and 3 hours with concurrency set to 6. The backups are full in order to align with some SLAs. I'll share more updates as my tests progress.
@Rudder715 You'll also want to look into how your storage is configured. Can the remote handle that many incoming backups? Both network and disk wise.
It sounds like your VMs are relatively large. Can you change them so that the data is on a network share instead of locally in the VM?
@CJ Currently I do not see any bottleneck with disk and network IOPS as far as XOA and the remote destination are concerned. I'll look into a network share for the VMs if I notice that is becoming a bottleneck.