I'm using XCP-ng for a home white box, having been on Citrix Xenserver for a few years.
I would support Citrix, but there is no subscription level for a small home-user. Now that features have been moved from Free to paid Citrix subscription, I have migrated to XCP-ng.
I have the same subscription level issue with Xen Orchestra too!
I'm a long time Linux user, for the last decade or so Gentoo.
At work I use VMware, but I do not believe the pass-through flexibility matches Xen.
My setup is a single host with a NAS for VM backups and a VM running Bareos very slowly!
I have a couple of graphics cards and a couple of USB cards which are passed-through at the PCI level for VM's that connect to the Lounge TV + keyboard and the Kitchen VDU + keyboard. Two of the local drives are in an mdraid config for most local storage. A windows VM on the mdraid and pass-through can comfortably handle my Son's Overwatch.
I may provision a second mini-server host to run MythTV Backend and drive the TV, but I like how currently one box drives the lot and saves power.