
  • All news regarding Xen and XCP-ng ecosystem

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    @olivierlambert The only place running XCP-ng on things like an RK3588 make sense is for home lab stuff, I probably wouldn't even build work lab stuff on these. Never enough ram (so far) and limited cores, plus almost everything will need to be running in virtual processor architecture. All that said, it might be neat to simulate these ARM processors in x86 so that we could create a VM of the Pi, etc.
  • Everything related to the virtualization platform

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    @olivierlambert said in Is this an upgrade?: Personally, I switched from a full 2U HPE + Epyc to a small... Protecli unit with 96GiB RAM (now you can go up to 128G I think?) using those Intel CPUs. To be fair, it works perfectly fine, 2x SFP+ and NVMe drives are large enough for my needs. Sure, it's a downgrade in some aspects (space to add PCIe devices, more drives etc.) but for my need it's enough. And the power usage is very low. So all in all, what matters is to fine the right form factor/power for your usage. Now, mini PCs are really powerful and attractive for that. Thanks for your reply. Quick question - which CPU did you use - I thought XCP-ng did not work well with heterogeneous CPUs. That's why I was thinking of using the 795SE vs for example the MS-O1 from Minisforum which uses the Intel i9-13900H and has two types of cores. Have you had any issues?
  • 3k Topics
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    @eeldivad Cool that you can call the rest api's through there! I mess about in the web browser, seems to use the cookie that XO web ui uses (ie. logging in to web ui also makes you able to call api in web browser) my bad for not including a example, namelabel was supposed to hint at displayname of VM http://[yourXO]/rest/v0/vms?fields=name_label&filter=app this returns all vm's with "app" in their name_label (displayname) according to this documentation filter should be compatible with the search bar in XO, so you can make your query there by selecting pools etc. in GUI and it just seems to work (tested just now ) http://[yourXO]/rest/v0/vms?fields=name_label&filter=power_state:running+tags:/^ansiblegrp_linuxbaseline$/ I created the above query in GUI and just tested "+" between and it seems to work. This returns running vms that are also tagged with "ansiblegrp_linuxbaseline" which i use for my ansible inventory (xen orchestra has a pretty nifty inventory plugin)
  • Our hyperconverged storage solution

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    Yes, our goal is to get it running for the 8.3 LTS.
  • 30 Topics
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    @Davidj-0 Merci pour le retour, j'utilisais aussi une Debian pour mon test ^^