
  • All Xen related stuff

    553 Topics
    5k Posts
    @dinhngtu I don't have a solution yet, so I'm going to do some more tests and install Windows 11: 23h2 --> if ok, ok otherwise : 22h2 --> if ok, ok otherwise : 21h2 --> if ok, ok otherwise : WINDOWS 10 !
  • The integrated web UI to manage XCP-ng

    14 Topics
    236 Posts
    Oh I see. Thanks for explanation
  • Section dedicated to migrations from VMWare, HyperV, Proxmox etc. to XCP-ng

    85 Topics
    1k Posts
    @ItsAlwaysDNS said in Migrated Linux machine won't start: @DustinB I can try to give that a go. Is there any particular reason as to why we think this will work? I'm totally fine with the thought of "its worth a try". I'm just curious if there is some known compatibility issue that is leading you to suggest trying this as a solution. Normally these older systems were required to use the ESXI drivers, these drivers are also normally very out of date and cause issues. Most of the time, when these issues occur, it's because of incompatible drivers. Cloning the VM and removing the drivers from the clone and then trying to migrate the VM is the safest way to confirm the issue is with the drivers without impacting your production system.
  • Hardware related section

    104 Topics
    1k Posts
    Did a clean install. Loaded XOA. Then tried to enable all my PCIE through. Go to reboot and I see it start and about halfway through I get the black screen of death. I am able to boot in safe mode, but can’t start XOA or anything of that sort. VT-d Is enabled from bios. Have zero clue how to get everything running again.
  • The place to discuss new additions into XCP-ng

    233 Topics
    3k Posts
    Hello all, Version 9.0.9030 of the new Windows PV drivers has been released. This release brings multiple driver stability fixes, a new Rust-based Xen Guest Agent and the XenBootFix boot repair tool. This driver release is for testing purposes only and not for production use. It requires putting the system into testsign mode. (only applies to the drivers themselves, not XenBootFix and XenClean; you can use the two tools separately without any configuration) Download the release here: Release notes are below: Before Installing This driver release is for testing purposes only. Not for production use! Make backups/snapshots before installing! The drivers in this package are testsigned and require enabling testsigning mode. Disable Secure Boot, then run the included script testsign/install.ps1 as Administrator to configure Windows and install the necessary signer certificates. Your VM will reboot automatically. If you're running version 9.0.9000.0, we're interested in hearing about your upgrade experience to 9.0.9030. Changes since 9.0.9000.0 NEW: Includes the new Rust-based Xen Guest Agent for resource and IP address reporting. NEW: Includes the new XenBootFix boot repair tool for VMs rendered unbootable by any Xen drivers (Xen PV, XCP-ng, Citrix, etc.) NOTICE: Xen PV disk drivers are now disabled by default on new installations. The default emulated NVMe driver will be used instead. Existing installations will not be affected. Fixes: Many more installation, uninstallation and upgrade safety checks are now built into the installer. Fixes: Various improvements to XenClean for more complete removal of driver services. Fixes: xenvbd: Xen PV disk drives now report as SSD drives to avoid unnecessary defragmentation (commit) Fixes: xenvif: Fix various VM hanging and crashing issues when changing VM network in Xen Orchestra (commit 1, commit 2) Debug symbols are now included with the installation package. Changes since 8.2.2-beta This release is based on upstream 9.1-series drivers, which includes the PV Mouse/Keyboard driver and PV Console Driver. You can access the PV console with the following command from a XCP-ng host: xl console -t pv <vmname> New installer with clean uninstallation and multiple install/uninstall safety checks. New XenClean utility for cleanly removing XCP-ng and Citrix drivers. Multiple driver stability fixes. Volume Shadow Service Provider is no longer included. (XCP-ng 8.1 and newer no longer support quiescent snapshots) Management Agent is currently not included. Xen Orchestra may show "Management agent not detected", but shutdown and reboot features will work normally. We're looking to bring back features of the management agent in the next releases. Check out the new Rust-based Xen Guest Agent included in our package! We're looking to bring back even more features to the agent. Older Windows versions are no longer supported. The driver requires at a minimum Windows 10 1607 or Windows Server 2016. Help / Community Support If you encounter installation/uninstallation errors, please try again with one of the following commands: For installing: msiexec.exe /i XenDrivers-x64.msi /l*vx install.log For uninstalling: msiexec.exe /x XenDrivers-x64.msi /l*vx uninstall.log Please include this log along with the file C:\Windows\INF\ in your bug report. These files will help us troubleshoot any installation issues. Additionally, please report any errors or BSOD you encounter during testing of this release. Your feedback is very appreciated. Discussion: (preferred) Issue Tracker: IRC: #xcp-ng and #xcp-ng-dev on Full Changelog:
  • Unable to attach empty optical drive to VM.

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    I've managed to at least solve part of my issue. Using this article, I managed to pull together the information I needed in order to remove the Optical Drive from the VM. It refereced xe vbd-list. I found the manpage for that command, and noted that I could get the information I needed to remove the drive. For future me to reference - because I know I'll somehow do this again in the future. List all Virtual Block Devices (vbd's) associated to the vm (you can do this by vm-uuid, or vm-label) [20:42 xcp-ng-1 ~]# xe vbd-list vm-uuid="3eb63bb4-29d1-f3a7-44a1-37fdb3711454" params="all" Output should show the following. uuid ( RO) : 7443c2f0-7c04-ab88-ccfd-29f0831c1aa0 vm-uuid ( RO): 3eb63bb4-29d1-f3a7-44a1-37fdb3711454 vm-name-label ( RO): veeam01 vdi-uuid ( RO): 7821ef6d-4778-4478-8cf4-e950577eaf4f vdi-name-label ( RO): SCSI 2:0:0:0 allowed-operations (SRO): attach; eject current-operations (SRO): empty ( RO): false device ( RO): userdevice ( RW): 3 bootable ( RW): false mode ( RW): RO type ( RW): CD unpluggable ( RW): false currently-attached ( RO): false attachable ( RO): <expensive field> storage-lock ( RO): false status-code ( RO): 0 status-detail ( RO): qos_algorithm_type ( RW): qos_algorithm_params (MRW): qos_supported_algorithms (SRO): other-config (MRW): io_read_kbs ( RO): <expensive field> io_write_kbs ( RO): <expensive field> uuid ( RO) : 4d0f16c4-9cf5-5df5-083b-ec1222f97abc vm-uuid ( RO): 3eb63bb4-29d1-f3a7-44a1-37fdb3711454 vm-name-label ( RO): veeam01 vdi-uuid ( RO): 3f89c727-f471-4ec3-8a7c-f7b7fc478148 vdi-name-label ( RO): [ESXI]veeam01-flat.vmdk allowed-operations (SRO): attach current-operations (SRO): empty ( RO): false device ( RO): xvda userdevice ( RW): 0 bootable ( RW): false mode ( RW): RW type ( RW): Disk unpluggable ( RW): false currently-attached ( RO): false attachable ( RO): <expensive field> storage-lock ( RO): false status-code ( RO): 0 status-detail ( RO): qos_algorithm_type ( RW): qos_algorithm_params (MRW): qos_supported_algorithms (SRO): other-config (MRW): owner: io_read_kbs ( RO): <expensive field> io_write_kbs ( RO): <expensive field> Look for the device with type ( RW): CD. Take that uuid. In this case, the uuid was 7443c2f0-7c04-ab88-ccfd-29f0831c1aa0. Destroy the vbd: xe vbd-destroy uuid="7443c2f0-7c04-ab88-ccfd-29f0831c1aa0" Once this was done, the vm started without issue.
  • The HA doesn't work

    0 Votes
    16 Posts
    @tjkreidl Hello, Didn't I get half of ok too? 28 machines impacted, 15 left ok, and 13 with the error msg
  • Failure to Boot

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @Davidj-0 Zero changes. This is ran on a MS-01 with 2x 2TB NVME running in mirror RAID. All I use this for is to mess around with VMs and self host some services. I was still learning stuff so never back up anything because I was still building it out. Don’t feel like starting over, but have no idea what this fault even means to attempt to recover what I have done.
  • 0 Votes
    27 Posts
    Hello, I had freezes of the console, which do not appear any more, I do not know any more exactly what I did on my W11 pro 24H2 new on XCP 8.3 on XOA, I tried at best to : Disable the VM screen shutdown Disable standby Set to maximum performance The screen is still “active” and not black But I have another problem, probably related to microsoft, the vm freezes again but completely, inacessible in rdp, console, mouse keyboard, CPU and MEMORY statistics graphs freeze on XOA, restarting the VM by force is mandatory 24H2 has a lot of problems, notably the RDP freeze which also happens to me sometimes, impossible to rdp, sometimes yes sometimes no, I also modified the local strategy concerning this freeze problem but well... We'll see, Microsoft doesn't test its products anymore EDIT : For RDP Freeze, on the VM, there is a strategy local who fix the bug : Stratégie de l'ordinateur local > Configuration ordinateur > Modèles d'administration > Composants Windows > Services Bureau à distance > Hôte de session Bureau à distance > Connexions > Sélectionner la détection du réseau sur le serveur --> définir sur Activé ----->Chosir : Désactiver la détection du temps de connexion et la détection continue du réseau do a : gpupdate /force RDP Works fine now on W11 24H2
  • Security Assessments and Hardening of XCP-ng

    1 Votes
    7 Posts
    @bleader Thank you for the thorough explanation it greatly helps to understand how the team works to keep these systems secure and functional. From a generalist standpoint, I'll use publicly availability tools to check for and report on any known vulnerabilities within my network (public and private) to me, and then I'll either address those vulnerabilities by either a patch or more commonly a configuration change within a given system. These could include my UPSs or switches, Hypervisors, client devices (laptops etc). Addressing these is a huge portion of the work that I have to address in a day to day, and knowing what would be normal convention to saying "hey I found this issue with a commodity vulnerability scanner, is it going to be addressed" is useful.
  • All NICs on XCP-NG Node Running in Promiscuous Mode

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Running tcpdump switches the interface to promiscuous to allow all traffic that reaches the NIC to be dumped. So I assume the issue you had on your switches allowed traffic to reach the host, that was forwarding it to the VMs, and wasn't dropped because tcpdump switched the VIF into promiscuous mode. If it seems resolved, that's good, otherwise let us know if we need to investigate further on this
  • Debian VM Takes down Host

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @Andrew Ok, thanks I will give that a try.
  • Does XCP-NG support NVMe/TCP?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts
    @olivierlambert Thanks!
  • 0 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • DC topology info

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    @bleader yes, Thank you.
  • Beginner advice - coming from Debian

    1 Votes
    8 Posts
    @WillEndure said in Beginner advice - coming from Debian: @DustinB @DustinB said in Beginner advice - coming from Debian: Why are you keen on keeping raw XEN on Debian? Not committed to the idea - its just what I currently have and invested a bit of time into setting it up and understanding it since before XCP-ng was around. Time is a factor too because you can waste a lot of it setting stuff like this up! But overall yes, I should probably move over to XCP-ng for my host. Got it, sunk-cost fallacy.
  • Copying a VM from 8.2 to 8.3 and back

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    I think this part of the doc describes your issue:
  • Unable to find logs in XenCenter or Xen Orchestra

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    @olivierlambert thanks i got it.
  • PCIe card removal and failure to boot from NVMe

    1 Votes
    14 Posts
    Okay weird, at east glad to know it works now
  • how to use template created in another host machine?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    If the machines are on the same pool no problem. If they are not, you need to export the template and import it in the other pool.
  • Migrate windows from Xeon Silver to older Xeon or AMD?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Hi, I read it quickly, but it's likely Warm migration is the solution you need.
  • Openstack vs xcp-ng (XO)

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    @olivierlambert got it.
  • XCP-ng host - Power management

    0 Votes
    11 Posts
    @tjkreidl We don't need performance, but we do need to test how XCP-ng pools, networking, migration, live migration, backup, import from VMware and so on work. It's just a playground where we can have relatively many XCP-ng hosts, but it's not about performance, it's about efficiency and low requirements, because it's just a playground where we learn, validate how things work, and prepare the process for the final migration from VMware to XCP-ng. We originally had two R630s ready for this, then 4, but that would have been unnecessary, given the power consumption, to have physical hypervisors, so in the end we decided to virtualize it all. Well, on ESXi it's because XCP-ng works seamlessly there in nested virtualization.
  • Citrix or XCP-ng drivers for Windows Server 2022

    0 Votes
    14 Posts
    @WayneSherman Thanks for this.
  • 1 Votes
    8 Posts
    @spcmediaco FYI, I never figured out how to fix. I am doing backup recovery now.