@HamiltonWDS Thanks for the report. As it works with wget
let use it! I'll switch from curl
to wget
in doc. In the meantime some colleagues will investigate more.

Best posts made by nathanael-h
RE: XOA deploy error
RE: Authentication with OIDC (Keycloak) is working but logout doesn't disconnect Keycloak session
@dsmteam Yes I totally agree, a user who logs out from XO, might also have the choice to logout from all SSO'ed applications. That would be for the feature request list
RE: LDAP Authentication with OpenLDAP backend?
Hi again, I tried to reproduce the issue, but obviously as I do not have the same LDAP server and content as yours it is not easy. So I setup the plugin as follow:
User filter: (|(objectclass=posixAccount)) ID Attribute: uid Group filter: (objectclass=posixGroup) ID Attribute: gidNumber Display name attribute: cn Group attribute: memberUid User attribute: uid
With this I can see :
- All the groups synced from LDAP to XO
- Users inside the groups (from the groups page)
- Users belong to un number of groups (from the users page)
I also tuned the config as follow:
User filter: (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid={{name}}) ID Attribute: uid Group filter: (&(objectclass=posixGroup)(cn=group1)) ID Attribute: gidNumber Display name attribute: cn Group attribute: memberUid User attribute: uid
- Only the
is synced - User and group matching works as expected.
Then is the two cases, I could create ACL that grant admin priviliges on one or more objects to a group and so its users.
Can you trigger a group sync and look for error in logs?
RE: Managing a host using a proxy
Hello @McHenry I wanted to share with you that we've just build a new images for XOA and the proxy. You might want to try it and keep us posted.
RE: EOL: XCP-ng Center has come to an end (New Maintainer!)
Hello @propsoft I made a quick test: I'm running Firefox and changed the settings about download location to "always ask where to download files", then from XO-lite, when I export a VM I am being prompted where to save the exported file. I hope this will help you a little bit
RE: XO Ansible Dynamic Inventory Plugin - Group Variables Support?
Hello @guiand888
You could use compose in your inventory file like this:
plugin: community.general.xen_orchestra api_host: xo.example.com user: admin password: mypass validate_certs: true use_ssl: true groups: gp1: "'gp1' in tags" gp2: "'gp2' in tags" compose: ansible_user: "'admin' if 'gp1' in tags else 'anotheradmin' if 'gp2' in tags"
I made some local tests, this should do what you need. Maybe @shinuza has a better suggestion for writing the Jinja2 expression in the compose key.
RE: XOA deploy error
Hello @kbsp @stefanflegg and @fatek, a new XOA image has just been uploaded. Can you test it and keep us posted?
Latest posts made by nathanael-h
RE: Authentication with OIDC (Keycloak) is working but logout doesn't disconnect Keycloak session
@dsmteam Yes I totally agree, a user who logs out from XO, might also have the choice to logout from all SSO'ed applications. That would be for the feature request list
RE: DevOps Megathread: what you need and how we can help!
Many thanks for sharing this @Jonathon ! @Cyrille and I will look for this because we also want to ease the deployment of Kubernetes on XCP-ng/XO.
RE: Authentication with OIDC (Keycloak) is working but logout doesn't disconnect Keycloak session
Hello, thanks for the report. Actually XO does not implement Single Log Out. So it is expected that only the session related to XO is invalidated when the user click on the logout button.
Maybe something to add in XO6 ping @pdonias ? -
RE: DevOps Megathread: what you need and how we can help!
@bufanda I think we'll be able to add backup support to Terraform when 1. the provider will use the new Rest API, and 2. when this API will offer endpoints for backups management. I took note. (This won't be done in minutes
About Ansible, it'll depends also if/when we start work on it. -
RE: DevOps Megathread: what you need and how we can help!
@kiu Thanks, it's in our backlog. We'll update you when it would move to planned tasks.
RE: VM Failing to Reboot
@kagbasi-ngc it looks like the same issue you had in https://xcp-ng.org/forum/topic/10140/bsod-with-inaccessible-boot-device-after-uninstalling-the-xcp-ng-guest-tools/ is the solution suggested by @dinhngtu works here?
RE: VM Failing to Reboot
@kagbasi-ngc I am not sure, but I would force shutdown it from XO, then boot it again. If it does not work I'd try some fail safe mode, but I did not used Windows VMs that much this last years. Maybe someone else would be more helpful...
RE: VM Failing to Reboot
Hello, are the guest tools and drivers installed on this Windows VM https://docs.xcp-ng.org/vms/#windows ?
RE: XO and terraform
@wezke Hello, can you switch to this latest version of the provider, ensure that your configuration is still valid or fix what would be needed, and report how it behaves?