@olivierlambert Thank you for your reply. (You're very active and responsive in forums. I noted your replies to Tom_LTS in his videos last year!)

I actually don't think it is a huge issue right now. Xen is running, and I am able to get in and set things up via ssh into dom0 at the moment. Some of the problems I run into are just due to lack of / outdated documentation on Xen itself. I'm quite technically capable (despite being frazzled trying to get such a complex system setup going), but the stumbling blocks are the documentation on the internet, and a lack of a good venue to ask clarifying questions. It's been a while since I've used IRC and mailing lists, and that seems to be the only/best source for Xen community technical questions.

I've looked into Qubes, and it seems to be compelling, but I want to try to build this path from the ground up first. If it proves to be too much hassle or is unstable and I can't get any further with it, I can always drop back and go the Qubes route.

Are there any other, more modern community venues to get Xen-on-Desktop technical questions considered? I'll go as far as I can with the available online documentation, and google the exceptions as I run into them (like this one), but it would be nice to find a place where I could go to ask the questions my google-fu doesn't suffice to locate answers.

Anyway, thanks again for the information/assistance! I do have plans to use XCG-ng on some of my servers once I get things all set up in the office for them.