My interest in Xen is for home use. I'm in the pursuit of HA at home so that when I travel for work I am less likely to get angry family tech support calls. Everything from my firewall (Sophos), DNS, DHCP, security camera NVR, and TV DVR via CableCard tuners is dependant on my virtual environment. Right now I have two hyperconverged hosts running ESXi and Starwind VSAN. Everything is working well but when I started down this path a few months ago I wanted to give XenServer a try. VMWare is what I know and have used for many years at work (since 3.x) but I wanted to learn something new. The Citrix free licensing changes scared me away and so I stuck with what I knew. Now that XCP-ng is a reality I am eager to try it. I'll build it up on my existing cluster to start with using nested virtualization and if all goes well I'll switch everything over once I'm comfortable. For my shared storage I plan to try building a Gluster VSAN with 2 replicas and an arbiter. I maybe even try HA-Lizard. Will definitely be using XO.