Next release target: 7.4.1

News Apr 7, 2018

Since our first release and its huge number of downloads, we got enough feedback to make a new release in the coming weeks (depending on how fast we could build some stuff). Let's see first how we'll deal with doing new release in short term.


We are using semantic versioning. Basically, to stay aligned with XenServer releases, we'll keep major.minor from Citrix. But last number (patch) will add improvements on top.

So what about 7.4.1 improvements?

7.4.1 objectives

We have 3 main things to improve:

  • re-encode the ISO properlly for people using Windows. Indeed, a Linux mount to access the files (or install it) works flawlessly, but it's not the case if you mount it from Windows, for example to exctract files to do a NFS/HTTP install. This will be fixed.
  • add an extra package that will clean some remaining trademarks reported at various place
  • add our RPM repository thanks to the previous package, to allow a simple yum upgrade for next releases in the future (eg to keep the pace if there is "patches" on Citrix XenServer side).
  • re-pack and rebrand XenCenter to support XCP-ng, and embed the result in the new ISO.

Obviously, we are still experimenting and the release model could change a bit in the future. But we are confident to streamline the process with more experience, release after release.


Olivier Lambert

Vates CEO & co-founder, Xen Orchestra and XCP-ng project creator. Enthusiast entrepreneur and Open Source advocate. A very happy Finnish Lapphund owner.