Zero changes. This is ran on a MS-01 with 2x 2TB NVME running in mirror RAID. All I use this for is to mess around with VMs and self host some services. I was still learning stuff so never back up anything because I was still building it out. Don’t feel like starting over, but have no idea what this fault even means to attempt to recover what I have done.
Latest posts made by davealex8
RE: Failure to Boot
Failure to Boot
I am a noob to all of this. Woke up the other day and could not log into web gui. Restarted my server and now I cannot get XCP-ng to boot up. Thank you for the help. Then it goes into emergency shell.
dracut-initqueuel506]: Warning: Could not boot.
In the journal:
systend-udeudl168]: inotify_add_uatcht6, L-udevd[465]: inotify_add_watcht6, /dev/nune0nip1, 105 Palled: No such file or directory such systend-udevd 481]: inotify_add_watcht6, edeu/nune0n1p1, directory No such or director systend-udeud[482]: inotify_add watch6, file systend-udeudt483]: or mocary add watchlb, /deu/nuneOnip6, systend-udevd{472): Inotify_add watcht6, systend-udeva[468]: Luatchc6, systend-udeudl482): notify_add_uatcht, /deu/nuneinip6, 10) 10) 989 systend-udevd [465]: inotify_add_uatchc6, /dev/nune systend-udeud l472]: inotify_add watchc6, /dev/nunelnips, ystend-udeud[476): file directory 10) file systend-udevd[481]: or directory 3-9: inotify_add uatcht6, /dev/nuneint kernel: usb 3-9: neu high -speed USB device nunber 2 using ale or director!