XO logs have repeating [load_balancer]Execute plans statement. Is this a problem?
Hi I'm running CE XO edition.
I'm getting a lot of this in my log files:
sudo journalctl -u xo-server -f -n 50 -- Logs begin at Sun 2019-03-03 17:19:51 CST. -- Dec 10 14:21:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:22:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:23:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:24:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:25:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:26:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:27:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:28:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:29:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:30:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:31:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:32:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:33:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans! Dec 10 14:34:00 ubuntu_xo xo-server[105558]: [load-balancer]Execute plans!
Just curious the reason why? I don't have any load balancer activity specified.
I think this is normal behavior when you have the Load Balancer plugin loaded. If you don't intend to use it, then unload it.