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Here's another willing script tester
has enyone get this usb nic to work?
@Pen2 I think most people have
I think the rename script modification to recognize PCI and USB device was the key.
@r1 any way you can share how to do it? I have the same issue I’m with the usb 3 Ethernet Adapter I have.
@Professor-X-Tech please go though the thread once and share us the commands used, errors seen.
Naming is showing incorrect like others, have reported.
Let me know if you need anything else.
listing and scanning the USB Nic - side-861-eth0
interface-rename -l (Giving an Error.)
xsconsole showing it but not connected
dmesg with vendor ID
i find patch solution
just make file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
and put your all nic in it like this:SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="6a:66:e8:33:0f:1c", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0" SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="ed:8c:c1:ba:cb:b9", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1" SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="7c:3f:5f:fa:e4:a3", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth2"
just change your own mac address. reboot and then xe pif-forget=(side-xxx uuid)
and reboot. -
@Pen2 Dude! you the man! lol thanks for this.
saving this for the book so I don't forget in case it gets changed some day.
Don't forget to stop the dynamic NIC naming by adding
to the grub boot menu (see this article by Eric Eikrem). Worked for my USB-NIC (Startech, ASIX Electronics Corp. AX88179 USB 3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet) as described in Prevent USB-NIC device renaming - valid approach on xcp-ng?. Not sure if it really is mandatory to add the on-board NIC to the rules file as well, but I do it. -
@gskger I had followed the article by Eric Eikrem and it did not work for me. Base on my understanding if you add the rules it won’t rename it to anything other then what’s in the static rules.
Found this in a RHEL Forum:
@Professor-X-Tech I'm back to report that although it working, I am having issue with the USB 3 Nic. Don't have time to troubleshoot it but I will get to it and if I find anything to share I will.
Quite old topic, but I have been struggling for MONTHS (literally) now and I'm getting stressed in daily life.
I have everything working so far to the point where it is showing in xencenter as a valid nic with 2500mbit full duplex specifications.
using this usb nic: https://www.club-3d.com/en/detail/2467/usb_3.1_gen1_type_a_to_rj45_2.5gbps/
I can ping with it, connect to it with SSH and give the NIC to my windows server VM. The only problem that is holding me back from using this USB nic is that all my windows VM's are getting SSL errors on any internet browser i'm on. Internet just doesn't work.
Besides that I can't even copy files from any VM to my normal PC anymore since it's getting stuck on 0KB/s and eventually crashes my explorer.exe.
Something is really wrong here and man... I must have had every single guide possible in front of me I'm sorry for reviving this thread but i'm getting desperate.
I hope there is someone who can help me maybe through email or this forum. I'm willing to share everything I did to get this working.
And on Linux VMs, does it work?
@olivierlambert Thank you for the reply. I have once tried to install Lancache on a VM with the "eth1" nic (that's the usb nic) and I managed to just install games with full 2.5gbit speed! So you can say it works internally.
I made a 71-persistent-net.rules to manually assign the mac address of the NIC a name. I also, just to be sure, put the ifnames on 0 in the grub.cfg.
But if I remember correctly, installing ubuntu and starting up a browser to go to any webpage, I still get some kind of weird SSL error or 'connection not secure' in general.
I come to think that the NIC is working locally but can't connect to anything secure on the internet. To confirm this in a way, Remote desktop to the windows VM doesn't work either. I get an error. I am convinced this has to do with the fact that rdp wants to use secure connections?.
Overall, using my xenserver to ping kernel.org and google are working without problems. Internal SSH from powershell to any vm machine just works flawlessly too.
This is the exact reason i'm stressed out about this whole project, it does work.. but it doesn't work properly? And without it working properly, I can't implement it permanently on my xenserver.
This does give me problems since I have a plex server running and shared with some family members and they told me that the server is unreachable with the USB NIC.. I just don't know how to debug the SSL problem.
Connection not secure can be related to bad clock time in your VM. Can you double check that?
@olivierlambert The clocks are good in the vm's.
Here is a screenshot of the errors I get when trying to connect to websites. Also, Pinging those same websites by hostname works normally using CMD. -
@jokurinopoloski I'm not a Windows expert so I can't really know if it's a Windows issue or something else…
@olivierlambert I can spin up an ubuntu vm
Please do so
@jokurinopoloski are your USB NICs running on VLANs? If so, you could check
forxenbr2: dropped over-mtu packet: 1502 > 1500 [...]
messages. Maybe not related, but I had a problem with connecting to a NFS SR. While ping and SSH worked, connecting XO from source to the NFS SR failed. After changing the USB NICs MTU from 1500 to 1502, it did work.