On this problematic host, can you do a simple command like "xe vm-list"? Does it work?
RE: Unable to enable HA on a XCP-ng 8.2.1 Compute Pool
RE: Copy VM with new ID
I think there's a confusion somewhere. Can you define what are you talking exactly about the ID? Each VM has a unique ID in XCP-ng API (called UUID). It seems you are asking for something relative to Microsoft, inside the VM.
RE: Unable to enable HA on a XCP-ng 8.2.1 Compute Pool
This only shows which SR will be used with HA, nothing more.
The issue seems to come from the host "compute-04" when it's trying to enable HA. I would check this host log more in details.
RE: Unable to enable HA on a XCP-ng 8.2.1 Compute Pool
Check the pool/host view to double check everyone is visible and correctly connected. Same for all shared SR in that pool.
RE: Copy VM with new ID
Any export or import will create a new UUID. I'm not sure to understand exactly what do you need, functionally speaking?
RE: Help: Clean shutdown of Host, now no network or VMs are detected
kernel log and Xen log, check for anything around the time of the issue