Kubernetes Recipe - Basic setup not working
Did the manual change solve the issue?
No, the manual change didn't solve the problem -
Did you make sure
is set to 1?Our implementation uses kube-router wich requirest this setting.
@BenjiReis said in Kubernetes Recipe - Basic setup not working:
Just checked:
debian@master:~$ more /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables 1
Ok thanks, then I don't understant why there's a pb unfortunately...
The recipe follow this doc to create the cluster: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/
@suaro how does your manual install differs from the doc used by the recipe? Perhaps we can dig there.
And the pod network is made with kube-router: https://github.com/cloudnativelabs/kube-router/blob/master/docs/kubeadm.md
I'm going to have a look into it!
Thanks and hopefully I'll find the cullpritt, so the recipe can be updated with some nice new ingrediรซnts -
I'll try to investigate myself as well when i can, do not hesitate to come back here if you find anything.
I got it working. Seems like the podCIDR wasn't set. Setting it manually by patching the nodes worked for me:
for node in master node-1 node-2 node-3 do kubectl patch node $node -p '{"spec":{"podCIDR":""}}' done
Not sure if this is a problem with the recipe, or if this is a bug in kube-router/kube-controller-manager. Anyway, If have my cluster up and running now!!!
It seems that Debian Buster has some problems with Kubernetes. While this base setup is working, one should also assure that every tool uses the legacy iptables. If not, pod's will not be able to reach the kubernetes api... And then... failure all over!
So we also need:update-alternatives --set iptables /usr/sbin/iptables-legacy update-alternatives --set ip6tables /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy update-alternatives --set arptables /usr/sbin/arptables-legacy update-alternatives --set ebtables /usr/sbin/ebtables-legacy ```