New install can't add remote NFS
Just finished a fresh install and when I go to add a NFS share I get the following message. I setup the yarn forever-service to run as Root.
remote.test { "id": "911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d" } { "shortMessage": "Command failed with exit code 32: mount -o vers=3 -t nfs /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d", "command": "mount -o vers=3 -t nfs /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d", "exitCode": 32, "stdout": "", "stderr": "mount: /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.", "failed": true, "timedOut": false, "isCanceled": false, "killed": false, "message": "Command failed with exit code 32: mount -o vers=3 -t nfs /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d mount: /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program.", "name": "Error", "stack": "Error: Command failed with exit code 32: mount -o vers=3 -t nfs /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d mount: /run/xo-server/mounts/911a6d1a-30e0-49cd-9089-a9200a93812d: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program. at makeError (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:59:11) at handlePromise (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/node_modules/execa/index.js:114:26) at NfsHandler._sync (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/@xen-orchestra/fs/src/_mount.js:64:7) at NfsHandler.sync (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/@xen-orchestra/fs/src/abstract.js:316:5) at _class2.getRemoteHandler (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/remotes.js:76:9) at _class2.testRemote (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/remotes.js:97:11) at Api.callApiMethod (/home/localtech/xen-orchestra/packages/xo-server/src/xo-mixins/api.js:304:20)" }
Did you install the
package? I know we include that in -
That was it you're awesome. You can mark it as solved.