Authentication via Active Directory
I understand this has been discussed a little bit, but nothing I've seen is pointing me in the right direction. Was wondering if anyone has this Active Directory business working?Basically I have a group that is 3 OU's deep in my AD, and want to let those users, in that group, log in, so I can set them permissions. Nothing seems to work.
If I try to log in, (and the notation? or style isn't mentioned anywhere, that I can see) user@domain.ext, domain\user, and user just don't authenticate.
On the Test Plugin part, its not clear if I need to use the LDAP read-user or any intended AD user, nor notation. But if I do, all I get is:
0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100288, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
'OU=OULevel2,OU=OULevel1,DC=domain,DC=ext'Note, the error doesn't mention OU Level 3, where group of users are.
Im using a brand new install with the XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater script, which went perfect.
My LDAP URI is ldap://host.domain.ext
check certificate and TLS is off.
The LDAP user is user@domain.ext.
User Filter: (sAMAccountName={{name}}) -
I'm pretty sure the Test data section is for any intended AD user.I'm not sure if it helps your particular case but I'm using:
My LDAP URI is ldaps://host.domain.ext:636
check certificate and TLS is off
The LDAP user is user@domain.ext.
User Filter: (&(objectCategory=Person)(sAMAccountName=*)) -
Sadly, none of this seemed to make any difference.