Windows VM cannot boot, cannot insert ISO
I have a Windows VM that does not want to boot, boots into EUFI settings. In "bios" it shows the Windows Boot Manager so it recognizes something on the disk. I want to insert an ISO but when selecting the ISO, it does not "select" it (the select box resets). Any idea what I can do?
You can't switch between Bios or UEFI it's one or the other once the VM is installed.
@mauzilla To boot an ISO in a VM, you need to select "DVD" in the boot order, put it first, and hit "Save". Then boot the VM.
For ANY system (real or VM), you need boot it with the same type of bootstrap as it was installed to use. BIOS or UEFI. If you change the boot type then you have to make the OS ready to use the new/different settings (not just a VM problem).
If you created a Windows image from a working system that booted with UEFI then you have to copy ALL partitions (the whole disk), not just the C windows drive.