Intel GVT-g (vGPU support for Intel iGPU's) - How do I enable this?
Hi, I've got a machine with an Intel i9-10850K with has UHD Graphics 630 iGPU.
From doing a bit of reading it seems this should support vGPU support with Intel GVT-g.
I can find plenty of guides on how to enable this on other Linux distro and with other hypervisors and Citrix even mentions it in their own documentation but I can't actually find a guide on how to do this in Xen/XCP-ng.
Does XCP-ng have an easy method of enabling Intel GVT-g support or do I need to edit Grub config and load modules, etc, etc, like other guides suggest?
Supposedly this would allow me to still utilise the iGPU for the XCP-ng console as well as share the iGPU to a Windows guest.
Never tried it myself, but any Citrix guide would be identical for XCP-ng
Unfortunately they don't offer a guide, just a mention of it working.
Citrix Hypervisor supports Intelโs virtual GPU (GVT-g), a graphics acceleration solution that requires no additional hardware. It uses the Intel Iris Pro feature embedded in certain Intel processors, and a standard Intel GPU driver installed within the VM.
However, they don't actually offer a guide on HOW to set this up besides offering some tips on how to setup BAR in the UEFI settings to change how many vGPU's it will support. I've enabled Above 4G Decoding, Re-size BAR Support and set the Aperture Size to 512MB but that doesn't seem to enable the vGPU options XCP-ng Center or XO. I'm assuming I need to enable it manually on the underlying OS before XCP-ng can see it.
Note that the Intel GPU pass through is GVT-d NOT GVT-g. If you use GVT-d (AKA, just your regular PCIe pass through) obviously then I wouldn't be able to use the GPU for the the XCP-ng console on the machine itself. I'm comfortable on how to set that up but I really need the console available on the hypervisor for my use case.
This video (in German) demonstrates setting it up in XCP-ng center.