How to disable all CPU exploit mitigations?
I have some older units that are running only trusted VMs.
I'm looking to reduce as much as possible all speed impacting mitigations.
I found a stack exchange article with some info on setting kernel cmd line stuff, but I don't know what the correct way would be to apply it to XCP-ng 8.x systems.
What do I edit where? What commands to apply?
It's not enough to run trusted VMs. With one compromised VM, someone could read the memory of your other VMs and then extend their attacks on your machine. I would suggest that only a fully air gap setup could use no mitigations.
Anyway, you have to disable them on Xen level, not Linux level. See to find the right parameter.
I second what @olivierlambert says here, really should NOT disable them, these mitigations are in place for a reason and should be left in place regardless of how trusted or untrusted of an environment it is.
If this is a production system I would also note that you really shouldn't disable them, could be considered negligence in the event of a security incident.