Truenas Scales VM failed to start
So yes, it's still there. Double check the UUID and that you are typing correctly:
xe vm-param-remove param-name=other-config param-key=pci uuid=<use the UUID of the VM>
@olivierlambert I ran the command on my Truenas vm. No error. Will I need to reboot my host?
@olivierlambert I still see other -config
other-config (MRW): auto_poweron: true; xo:b9a7f807: {"creation":{"date":"2023-09-22T18:53:41.645Z","template":"3de5e9c4-bafa-4f20-8720-7788e0eab29e","user":"a7544dd9-a75f-4efb-a624-df74be00ab2b"}}; base_template_name: Debian Bookworm 12; import_task: OpaqueRef:2fbd30f0-79c3-4fe7-93c4-2fb519e1b9a1; mac_seed: 735a05db-2ac0-fa52-dd17-7d1a3dee98c3; install-methods: cdrom,nfs,http,ftp; linux_template: true
So it's clear to me, now you can boot the VM
@olivierlambert I did but now I have an issue with my Truenas Pool, it doest show it.
But I want to think for all the help -
@olivierlambert When I first setup Truenas Scales, I had to pass sata controller so truenas could see the drivers. I have forgotten how I did it. Can you help
@olivierlambert I manged to restore my Truenas system
Great news! Now everything is working as you wanted?
@olivierlambert yes, I found how to passthough sata controller
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Perfect! Enjoy
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