Option to set the VM to match the CPU of the host? Issues installing Ansbile on Rocky Linux 9 - Unable to determine if virtual resource
While installing Ansible on RockyLinux on an XCP-ng host I'm getting the error "Unable to determine if virtual resource". Same error described here:
https://chr00t.com/installing-awx-on-almalinux-9/In the case of Proxmox the post describes:
Changing the CPU type from “Default (kvm64)” to Host. This sets the VM to match the CPU of the host.Is their a similar setting in XCP-ng?
It turns out this had nothing to do with the VM or Hypervisor, but was guest specific. Here is the scoop for anyone that may come across this Ansible AWX install error.
Ansible AWX now prefers Kubernetes over Docker to run on and in this case I used K3s on Rocky Linux. After K3s is installed if you run "kubectl get apiservice" you will see:
"kube-system/metrics-server false (missingendpoints)"This is what causes the Ansible AWX install to fail with "Unable to determine if virtual resource"
The solution:
Installing K3s on Rocky Linux requires the extra step of disabling SELinux and firewalldsudo setenforce 0 sudo sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config sudo systemctl disable firewalld --now
The issue seems to be the way it detects or not virtualization, have you contacted AWX developers? Xen is very very different than KVM and doesn't use the same mechanism at all, so there's no similar workaround until the problem is very clear on what should be fixed or not on AWX side
Thanks for the insight. I will follow up and post back.
Happy to help as soon we understand the reason of the issue (this will be helpful to see what would be the best option)
It turns out this had nothing to do with the VM or Hypervisor, but was guest specific. Here is the scoop for anyone that may come across this Ansible AWX install error.
Ansible AWX now prefers Kubernetes over Docker to run on and in this case I used K3s on Rocky Linux. After K3s is installed if you run "kubectl get apiservice" you will see:
"kube-system/metrics-server false (missingendpoints)"This is what causes the Ansible AWX install to fail with "Unable to determine if virtual resource"
The solution:
Installing K3s on Rocky Linux requires the extra step of disabling SELinux and firewalldsudo setenforce 0 sudo sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config sudo systemctl disable firewalld --now
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Thanks a lot for your feedback!