xe command line, set notes, tags, resource set?
In the xe command line docs for xenserver I can see that you can use the xe command line to set, for example, the description field for a vm like so.
xe vm-param-set uuid=<vm_uuid>other-config:description="<your_notes_here>"
If I do :
xe vm-param-list uuid=<vm_uuid>
I can see where xo:resource_set is listed in other-config but it's unclear to me how to set that property due to the extra : contained in it?
Also, if there's a way to set the following.
vm notes
vm tagsThanks.
Can you tell us first what you'd like to achieve? Because it's likely better to use XO CLI than xe, which is only local to a pool while XO is for your entire infrastructure
@olivierlambert Hey there!
Basically I'm trying to recreate an ansible workflow I have that provisions a new VM from a template. And then correctly sets tags and notes etc according to who ran the job, date, OS details etc.
You're right that it's probably better to use XO, just the packer plugin I was using seemed to only target a single node so that's why I was going that way.
I'm a bit unclear on when to use nodes in a pool and when to use XO.
My answer would be: use XO everywhere, it's many times easier to use (and the DevOps team is building/plugin a lot of cool tools on top of it!) while XAPI is more complex and only for one pool.
@olivierlambert Perfect, I'll take a look.
Will the packer plugin be updated to use XO?
Yes! It's in the roadmap (and probably not far, I have to check with the team)
Now we work on the Go SDK to work on the REST API, then this SDK/library will be "imported"/used by the Packer plugin
@olivierlambert Fabulous! This is great news!