What OS is XCP-ng 8.3 based on?
Is XCP-ng 8.3 based on CentOS 8.5 or something else? I'm having problems getting NUT to work and I'd like to try to get it working on the "parent" OS first.
XCP-ng is a distro by itself. You can find non-critical packages coming from CentOS 7, but only a part of it. The kernel, Xen, OVS and many other critical stuff is packaged by the XCP-ng project itself.
Regarding packages, you should take a look at https://docs.xcp-ng.org/management/additional-packages/
@olivierlambert While XCP-ng is it's own distribution, it looks like it was built from redhat, as I can find
in /etc and when I cat the file I getxcp-ng-8.2.1
as the output.Maybe some cleanup remains. . .
There's many leftovers from XenServer and RedHat yes, but this does not affect how XCP-ng is working. Dom0 should be considered as a black box and any modification should be avoided as possible.
@olivierlambert I agree wholeheartedly with you on that. Keeping the system stock is best for support.
Separately, is there any planned work on officially integrating support for Uninterruptable Power Supplies and XCP-ng 8.3?
No specific plans as this kind of feature isn't really useful in Datacenters. However, if there's a way that's relatively universal, it's doable with the help of the community (ie contributions are very welcome and we'll review it seriously)
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