maybe a bug when restarting mirroring delta backups that have failed
last night we had a couple of vm's in a MIRRORING of delta backups task fail. 3 VM's did not mirror for reasons that do not matter for this bug.
when we corrected the issue that caused them mirroring fail we went into XOA and pressed the button to just restart the tasks for the failed VM's only... however OXA decided to redo the entire mirror task and sync EVERY vm on the src backup location.
clicking this to restart just those 3 vm'scaused this to happen... it re synced ALL of them, not just the 3 that failed
XOA version: Current version: 5.103.1
i am assuming this is not working correctly?
@jshiells i believe this is by design for a mirror backup. it checks every vm to mirror (if no filter is selected that will be all on the SR), if there is no new recovery point it will not copy anything as it allready does have the latest version of that backup on the destination recovery point. When a filter is selected it checks every vm on the sr but it does not copy data.