Network Management lost, No Nic display Consol
Good evening Legends.
Im Truly sorry, but im in need of some assistance, Minor, Major mess i made.
After an emergency Network Reset i am unable to see any NICS displayed in on the XE Console, Going into the shell i can see the Network cards are there using ip a and ifconfig -a
if i ip link set <Interface> up. It comes up and im able to assign an IP to this interface, this then also allows me to Ping another hypervisor Host within the same subnet.
Yet still no Management interface and no Nics to display in the console.
i have attempted to do the xe-management-reconfiguration uuid. and it just keeps stating that it cannot get an IP from the Master.
This has me truly stumped and i have no idea where to start looking, i had done toolstack restart, I had confirmed XAPI is active on the system yet still not able to create a management interface to assign it back to the system pool.
What would i have to do.