Welcome aboard!
Hi oliver,
i am leon, a xen/xpc noob of the first order
im here to learn, play and test a loti have a dell R710 with a bunch of drives and i am making a "home lab" where i want to run all my vm's
a few vm's are for "production" the rest is for testing/fun/learning
i learn fast so ill be sucking up all your information and use it,
hopefully i can contribute one day when i am a xpc masterso thats me in a nutshell
@olivierlambert Hi, i saw your messafe. Thanks a lot. I reply to you about openstack
long time xen user, trying to get to grips with xcp but im afraid its not looking promising. Crashes with windows 7 installs after win upaded installs the citrix drivers. But that is for another thread.Nice try though guys
Hi All,
I run a software development company specialising in providing SAAS services for the print industry and have been using XS since 6.0 hosted on HP G6, G7 and Gen 8's with HP EVA and MSA2050 SSD storage (you gotta love those Samsung PM1663a SAS SSD drives). With the introduction of XS7.3 restrictions, I planned to migrate to KVM and have already installed a 3 node cluster but XCP-ng has certainly made me reconsider this course as I'm a XS fan at heart. Looks like you'll be getting another XO order @olivierlambert
Great work and a great start to 2019
Hi @RichardDrage and welcome aboard! You'll see that the community here is really active
Always interesting topics with a lot of ideas (even sometimes strange ones!
@bonus Hi there! Please create a topic, we'll try to help you there
Hi all!!!
My name is Dario and I've just started to use Xen for a university project. I was really loyal to ESXi (just because was free for students
) but since I discovered XCP I'm making the best effort to switch over here. And to be honest, I am very glad to see that this community is relatively young. Newbby Question: is it any certification/professional diploma dor the xen family? Can anyone point me the best direction to go for an intensive learning plan? Thanks, I really hope to give my contribution as well soon.\
CyberSec Student
Hi @tanacca, and welcome aboard
- No, there is no certifications I'm aware of. This is typically something common for big corporate ecosystem (VMWare, Microsoft) but a bit less usual for community projects.
- However, you have access to everything so the best way to learn is to have some platform build objectives and to try to do that at home. Everything is Open Source, so you can dig when you like.
Good luck and see you around for your questions!
Hi ! I'm new to XCP-ng so I can ask stupid questions on the beginning
Welcome aboard
There is no stupid questions, only bad documentation
This post is deleted! -
New to XCP-NG, picked up a decommissioned 4 node chassis to play and figure out XCP-NG.
Welcome @enderst ! Feel free to share your experiments, and if you see something in the doc that could be improved, it's accessible in write for everyone
I manage the infrastructure (which includes several XenServer pools orchestrated with CloudStack) for our professional services division. We're very excited to see XCP-ng on the scene given recent developments.
David Merrill
Welcome @RelNetDavidMerrill ! If you are excited, hang on then, so many things on tracks
Take a look at our roadmap: https://github.com/xcp-ng/xcp/wiki/Roadmap
I am currently (~6 years) working in the education/training unit of an IT company that is a child of a big global company, managing the datacenter and labs and creating lab templates.The most experience I have with VMware esxi clusters and loved vCloud Director.
But just when I had everything learned, even programmed a custom automation GUI, VMware decided to no longer offer vCloud Director for normal customers.As I am always open for alternative solutions I was searching one for it and started evaluation Xen Server and XOA.
The one thing that vCloud Director + ESXi + vShield offered that I tried to find out there was to easily build / automate the deployment + isolation of IDENTICAL (MAC/UUIDs) whole lab environments.vCloud Director has all of that in a nice single web interface, isolating with VXLAN, automated router deployment, NAT-Firewall-Rules can be easily created in the web UI and SAVED with all VMs in a single template, (saved in a so called Catalog) that can be rolled out multiple times.
As I had already setup some training environments for OpenStack trainings (and then attended them myself) I foudn out it is nothing for a single (or few) guy to maintain. I had setup VMware vRealize Training environments and attended them myself and again, nothing useful for me.
Evaluated CloudStack and that was the first thing that came near, I even achieved to script the whole setup of the CloudStack environment with cloudmonkey. So I again found that it works with Xen Server and put a lot of time into it.
Both have a nice way to automate things.Then Citrix came with the nice change removing features like "live migration" from the free edition ...
But I was happy to see that it took not long time until XCP-NG was announed and always followed right from the beginning, and later tried to help where I can to get things forward.
I am no developer, but I sometimes felt I need to do changes to a project and started to look inside until I found out how things work and try to fix problems for myself and I am glad if it might help others.
Just a few days ago I was so happy to see in the RD-News for XCP-NG that VXLAN is on the roadmap!
That would be a question that I wanted to ask here since log time, but now I started all of this in the "introduction" (sorry)!
It would be great to see VXLAN and a way to manage isolated identical Lab-Templates in Xen Orchestra -
I'm setting up a redundant infrastructure for our renewable (wind and solar) applications and am going to move from our existing single tenanted vmware setup to what ever comes next.
At the moment xcp-ng is the front runner, we were within seconds of purchasing vmware licenses when I said lets try this first.
Its a bit of a learning curve having come from linux kvm and lxd containers to vmware and now this.. but I have to say the forums are amazing (having hit them up a couple of times already).
Really looking forward to this ride. Networking is the next challenge.
Welcome on board @cocoon and @pnunn
Indeed, we are REALLY happy of this community here, I think this is the first big success of XCP-ng: everyone gathering and helping each other!
We started on the "technical success" side, so I'm confident we'll continue to improve and innovate.
The last success we need to reach will be the commercial success (our pro support), allowing us to continue pushing resources into it
I'd like to thanks again everyone in the community, we are doing something big here!
I am an IT person. I qualified as an IT Practitioner during the Summer of 2006.
I'm currently studying to become qualified as a web developer on a Bootcamp course. Utilising the HTML5, CSS, Javascript, node.js and Bootstrap etc.
I'm likely to run xcp-ng as part of a small test of it for a small set of vms on web applications during my studies. As well as possibly afterwards.
During that time there's a possibility I may upgrade the underlying bare metal. As I'm on a quite low end due to being on a low budget.
I prefer VMs over containers as it makes it easier for web applications which work like Content Management Systems (CMS). Containers make the web application immutable so you would have to separate the database from the rest of the full stack. So that when you post new content using the CMS it will update immediately without having to re-do the container's image.