Adding NFS as remote
Re: Adding an NFS as a "remote" setting
I have re the above post as they had the exact same issue I am getting. They seem to have resolved it but I can't see a solution that I can replicate.
I am also trying to mount a NFS share (from FreeNas) as a remote within XO. It throws back the same error as in the above post. I also can't add NFS direct into XCPNG centre as an SR with fail to find NFS errors being returned. I have confirmed the NFS share is visible elsewhere.
Am very confused what issue would be stopping this so any help would be much appreciated.
Does showmount display the NFS share information?
showmount -e <server ip>
If so what is the error when you try to mount it directly?
mount -t nfs <server ip>:</path/to/export> </mountpoint>
Did you: Check the All dirs option
@jedimarcus said in Adding NFS as remote:
Did you: Check the All dirs option
This is probably it, pretty common mistake.