Does XCP-NG need to reboot to apply patches?
Hello, everyone.
I only yesterday got my hands on Xen Orchestra. Installation went on fine. XO is fast! And it tells me what XCP-NG Center does not. When I logged in I noticed there were 5 patches available. I installed the patches and XO did not tell me anything like I had to restart the host to apply the patches. What makes me itching is that shortly after the installation of the patches the host seemingly crashed. Or just rebooted by itself? Until I installed the patches my XCP host was rock-solid and stable. It did not run for too long, just 19 days, but this is when I started this deployment and migration from Hyper-V and there was no a single crash. All of a sudden the server goes AWOL.
A newbie question - does applying patches normally require a restart? Does XCP notify me that I need to restart the host? Does it restart itself without telling an admin that it is doing so? Finally, if my host actually crashed - is there a way to see why it did? I am checking the logs area in XO and I see there only 3 messages about one VM lacking a feature.
Thanks in advance for any advice
- XCP-ng Center is not officially supported as client for XCP-ng. It's only community maintained and doesn't report updates.
- Applying patches shouldn't crash the host, at all. Try to check the logs if it's related and if you have more info
- Rebooting is needed if you want the patches to be applied "for real". In theory, there's only some kind of patches that would require a reboot (kernel and Xen itself), but so far we can't discriminate them, so we ask for a reboot to be 100% they are applied anyway.