Ansible with Xen Orchestra
VirtOps #3: Ansible with Xen Orchestra
With the release of Ansible Community 4.1.0 came a new inventory plugin for Xen Orchestra. This plugin allows the listing and grouping of XOA virtual machines, hosts and pools.
For more details, read the blog post:
Your feedback
Test it, comment it, ask for features, this is the place!
Looks interesting!
We started using the xo terraform provider around 12 months ago, and then built a small http service (node/typescript) that talks to the xo-api to generate our ansible inventory. We've been using both in production since then, and i'll share some of the details for you here.
We took the approach of implementing this as a service on our network and then leveraging ansible's ability to execute a shell script to retrieve the inventory.
In our environment, we decided it was ok for the inventory to only include vm's (or hosts) that have an ip address - i mean if they don't ansible can't really work with them so thats ok for us. So the inventory service has a couple of env vars to provide a filter for which entities and ips to pick
// no tag required by default required_tag: env.get('REQUIRED_TAG').default('').asString(), // any ip is valid for the inventory management_subnet: env.get('MANAGEMENT_SUBNETS').default('').asArray(),
First off we can require any vm or host to have a tag, e.g.
to appear in the inventory
Then it must have an ip in our management subnet, if more than one ip is available (e.g. management and public) the service will filter them.The http api for the inventory service uses the same filtering as xen-orchestra, so we can construct urls to retrieve partial inventories. This is useful for example as we have dev, production, etc, pools, and it gives us an easy way to target
The response for the above request would look like this
{ "all":{ "hosts":[ "monitoring-1.internal" ] }, "_meta":{ "hostvars":{ "monitoring-1.internal":{ "mytag":"foo", "ansible_group":"prometheus", "env":"monitoring", "inventory_name":"monitoring-1.internal", "ansible_host":"", "xo_pool":"monitoring-pool", "xo_type":"VM", "xo_id":"033f8b6d-88e2-92e4-3c3e-bcaa01213772" } } }, "prometheus":{ "hosts":[ "monitoring-1.internal" ] } }
This vm has these tags in xen orchestra
can be repeated, and places the vm/host into this group in the inventory. Other tags get split into key=value and placed into the host varsthe
are added from the info in the api
will be our management ip
is a slugified version of the vm name, but by convention our names are saneWe also include hosts in the inventory, as we have various playbooks to run against them. All the same tagging and grouping applies to hosts as it does to VM's
{ ... "hostvars":{ "xcp-001":{ "ansible_group":"xen-host", "inventory_name":"xcp-001", "ansible_host":"", "xo_pool":"monitoring-pool", "xo_type":"host", "xo_id":"92c1c2ab-fd1e-46e9-85f7-70868f1e9106", "xo_version":"8.2.0", "xo_product":"XCP-ng" } } ... }
When we setup some infra for management by terraform/ansible we'll typically use a combination of shell script inventory, static grouping and then extra group_vars if needed. For example our /inventory directory
#!/bin/bash curl -k https://inventory.internal/inventory?filter=k8s-cluster:admin 2>/dev/null
02_kubespray - which has its own group name convention, so we map them between our tags and their group names
[kube-master:children] k8s-master [etcd:children] k8s-master [kube-node:children] k8s-node k8s-monitoring [k8s-cluster:children] kube-master kube-node
ansible-playbook -i /inventory
where /inventory is a directory will then combine all the shell scripts and ini files to make the final inventor . nice!I did think about trying to package this api directly as a plugin for xo, but haven't had time to look into that yet. But let me know if any of this looks interesting.
Hi there. Author of said inventory plugin.
If you ever wish to migrate you should be able to retain most of what you did on XOA side (I'm thinking tags), but you'll have something that's more standard and require less setup as long as the XOA API is accessible to the machine running the playbook.
You can keep the groups with the composable groups in your inventory plugin configuration:
simple_config_file: plugin: community.general.xen_orchestra api_host: user: xo password: xo_pwd validate_certs: true use_ssl: true groups: kube-master: "name_label == 'kube-master'" compose: ansible_port: 2222
I'm using this plugin, and I spent a few minutes (around 30 minutes) to find the issue:
pip3 install websocket-client
Could be nice to add it in the doc/article.
Nice catch, let me ping @shinuza so he can fix the doc
@wowi42 Hi there. It's already in the documentation:
Also, you should see an error message if it's not installed.
Just started playing around with the xo api, do we need a specific user and port to be opened on the firewall? I opened 8443 but stil get connection refused.
h4yadm@ansible01:/opt/system/inventories/production$ ansible-inventory -i xen_orchestra.yml --list [WARNING]: * Failed to parse /opt/system/inventories/production/xen_orchestra.yml with auto plugin: [Errno 111] Connection refused [WARNING]: * Failed to parse /opt/system/inventories/production/xen_orchestra.yml with yaml plugin: Plugin configuration YAML file, not YAML inventory [WARNING]: * Failed to parse /opt/system/inventories/production/xen_orchestra.yml with ini plugin: Invalid host pattern 'plugin:' supplied, ending in ':' is not allowed, this character is reserved to provide a port. [WARNING]: Unable to parse /opt/system/inventories/production/xen_orchestra.yml as an inventory source [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available { "_meta": { "hostvars": {} }, "all": { "children": [ "ungrouped" ] } }
plugin: community.general.xen_orchestra api_host: user: xo password: "pwd" validate_certs: true use_ssl: true
It's hard to answer since you aren't providing any detail on your XO installation. XOA or XO from the source? If sources, how is it configured? Which port it's listening?
@olivierlambert XO build from source listening on port 8443
If you followed the doc correctly (Node version, being entirely up to date), then it should work. Maybe it's the plugin. Any feedback for others in the community?
O olivierlambert moved this topic from News on
@hostingforyou said in Ansible with Xen Orchestra:
@olivierlambert XO build from source listening on port 8443
The plug-in doesn't make any assumptions about the port.
Can you try with
api_host: ""
? -
@shinuza thanks, that works.
after changing to api_host: ""
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /opt/system/inventories/production/xen_orchestra.yml with auto plugin: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: IP address mismatch, certificate is not valid for ''. (_ssl.c:997)
setting validate_certs: false gave me the working output
looks very nice
This post is deleted! -
Is their a way to use the ansible plugin for creating VM's in XCP-NG?
@hostingforyou Hi !
The best way to create VM is with the terraform provider for Xen Orchestra
See -
@AtaxyaNetwork looks good, not sure to post issue here as its is not ansible related, but I get the following error:
$ terraform plan Planning failed. Terraform encountered an error while generating this plan. β· β Error: unexpected EOF β β with provider[""], β on line 10, in provider "xenorchestra": β 10: provider "xenorchestra" {
$ cat # terraform { required_providers { xenorchestra = { source = "terra-farm/xenorchestra" version = "~> 0.9" } } } provider "xenorchestra" { username = "xo" password = "password" url = "ws://" insecure = true }
$ cat data "xenorchestra_pool" "pool" { name_label = "OTA" } data "xenorchestra_template" "vm_template" { name_label = "Ubuntu-22-template" } data "xenorchestra_sr" "sr" { name_label = "Tintri-Intern-Intern01" pool_id = } data "xenorchestra_network" "network" { name_label = "LAN Private" pool_id = }
any idea how to debug?
Hello all,
I'm running into a persistent issue when following the blog steps.
ansible-inventory -i ./my.xen_orchestra.yaml --list [WARNING]: * Failed to parse /home/cstreb/working/ansible/my.xen_orchestra.yaml with yaml plugin: Plugin configuration YAML file, not YAML inventory [WARNING]: * Failed to parse /home/cstreb/working/ansible/my.xen_orchestra.yaml with ini plugin: Invalid host pattern 'plugin:' supplied, ending in ':' is not allowed, this character is reserved to provide a port. [WARNING]: Unable to parse /home/cstreb/working/ansible/my.xen_orchestra.yaml as an inventory source [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
contents of my.xen-orchestra.yaml file is as follows
plugin: community.general.xen_orchestra api_host: #(XOA box?) Needs :443? user: <user> password: <pass>
Other relevant details
I'm using XO from source running on a different machine then my xcp-ngThis is my first time trying ansible at all so I may have missed a key step. Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Fixed
Because I haven't forced HTTPS on my XO from Source box I needed to tell the file to configure to http (80)
then add the following arguments to the end of my filevalidate_certs: false
use_ssl: falseit now works.
Thanks @Nystral for your feedback!
It was once suggested to use Ansible's native generic command invoking functions, to automate and do infrastructure as code.
However people who are migrating from VMware can have a very detailed, infrastructure as code via Ansible. Also by having actual functions for invoking and setting up HA in Ansible for instance would be great. As well as other things such as managing the SRs, as well as creating and connecting them on XCP-ng hosts. So if any errors occur then it will be able to return, proper error codes appropriate to XOA and XCP-ng, rather than what is returned with the native generic Ansible command invoker.
The community has produced an extensive Ansible plugin for VMware products. So the new incoming customers may welcome a much, more extensive capabilities for Ansible when paired with XCP-ng and Xen Orchestra, beyond just Xen Orchestra inventory.
I feel your pain, however, the main difference between VMware support in Ansible and XenServer/XCP-ng is that VMware has a whole working group with a dozen of regular members and contributors:
Major contributors are all Red Hat or VMware employees i.e. people paid to do it. There is no such thing for XenServer/XCP-ng. Citrix never showed any interest in supporting Ansible. Netscaler is the only Citrix product that has a decent Ansible support.
To help you better understand how Ansible as a project works, here are some points from my personal adventure:
- To be able to contribute new modules to Ansible or any of the official collections, you need to implement extensive unit and integration tests. I understand the requirement. Ansible/Red Hat wants to maintain a high level of quality and to easily (and in automated way) detect any regressions. That's all good but implementing tests is harder and more work than implementing modules themselves. What's very very helpful in case of VMware is that there is a whole simulator called
developed by VMware. You can test your modules against the simulator with ease and automate all the tests with little effort. To my knowledge, there is no simulator available for XenAPI. If such simulator does exist, it is most likely kept in secret by Citrix. If Citrix was ever to release this simulator, that would be a HUGE step forward. - If you want to contribute new modules to Ansible or any of the official collections, someone has to review your code. Not many people are willing to do so and have the power to include your code to Ansible. As a matter of fact, finding reviewers and begging them for help is the hardest thing of all. I had some tremendous luck to acquire the interest of Abhijeet Kasurde, one of the top Ansible guys, to review my code and to eventually include
modules into Ansible. The guy handles VMware in Ansible... surprise!My
module was included without any unit or integration tests but for other modules I had to implement them. Luckily, they were simple and I had a luck to find a reviewer for tests also. When I wanted to upgradexenserver_guest
module with new functionality, they required unit and integration tests. I eventually implemented tests forxenserver_guest
module but it was a huge undertaking and the amount of code involved easily dwarfed the module itself. I basically ended up implementing a barebone XenAPI simulator. This is where I hit a road block. No one, even the people that initially supported me, wanted to review this monstrosity of test+simulator. It was never included in Ansible. - If you don't want to rely on external reviewers then you have to form a team, or if possible, a work group. That way you can review each others code and include it in Ansible without external support. Everything is pretty much handled by bots. If you gain a high enough status in Ansible project, you could get permissions to merge the code yourself without relying on anyone, not even bots. Should I mention that I failed to ever find any good Python programmer that is into Ansible and interested enough to form a team with me?
- You can skip all this struggle if you just maintain you own collection of modules but then you cannot rely on existing Ansible tooling that will do all the testing, linting, sanity checks, spell checks and such. You are on your own.
After a lot of struggle I eventually lost any interest as I was wasting a lot of time and life had to go on. Not much people showed interest in
Ansible modules either. My employer also ditched XenServer/XCP-ng in favor of VMware a few years back. Even with all the Broadcom/VMware situation, we got a super good deal with Broadcom because of our deployment size and commitment so we are sticking with VMWare.All in all, if Ansible support for XenServer/XCP-ng and Xen Orchestra on par with VMware support is ever to see the light of day, these prerequisites are required:
- Publicly available XenAPI simulator is a must
- A working group of at least three people with knowledge in Python, Ansible and XenAPI committed to the cause
- Possibly corporate and financial backing by Citrix, Vates? or some other third party
Having any official Ansible support for XenServer/XCP-ng was (and is) a miracle to this day. A miracle I was blessed with and a huge learning experience for me.
Sorry for the long post. It is not my intention to discourage people but I think everyone should understand why XenServer/XCP-ng does not enjoy better Ansible support. There is much much more to it than just having a willingness to do anything.
- To be able to contribute new modules to Ansible or any of the official collections, you need to implement extensive unit and integration tests. I understand the requirement. Ansible/Red Hat wants to maintain a high level of quality and to easily (and in automated way) detect any regressions. That's all good but implementing tests is harder and more work than implementing modules themselves. What's very very helpful in case of VMware is that there is a whole simulator called