[Solved] VM Autostart through XCP-ng Center
UPDATE - This feature has been added to XCP-ng Center 8.0
Currently, there is no facility to set VMs to start automatically through the Windows GUI. (Or there is and I can't find it.) Ideally we should be able to have VMs come up automatically in a particular order or at least with fixed delays. I know this is possible through the command line, but so far it's the only thing I've been unable to do from the GUI.
In XO, it's in the VM advanced tab, IDK where in XCP-ng Center (@borzel any idea?)
Regarding the order, sadly it's using a specific class called "VM appliance" which is a kind of VM group with some priority/ordering. On XO side, we'll test if we can avoid using this extra layer and just have a timer on boot (so you can tinker it yourself, creating an order de facto)
Have yet to try Xen Orchestra. Will do so now ...
Aaaaand Xen Orchestra is riddled with features that are just stubs pointing me to paid upgrades. Hard pass, I'll use the command line.
- You are talking about XOA: you can use the free trial to unlock everything. And I don't think this feature is restricted
- You can use it from the sources to unlock all features (it IS Open Source), but those are more for backups, so XOA Free should be enough in your case
- You are talking about XOA: you can use the free trial to unlock everything. And I don't think this feature is restricted
@atmurphy, I haven't tried it, but there are a set of plugins available for Xencenter that might work under XCP-ng Center that adds an auto-start option. See https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2018/03/14/xenserver-plugins-collection-v6/