I'm attempting to create a CentOS-7 VM from the CLI using modified instructions from the "Citrix XenServer 7.2 Virtual Machine User's Guide":
# NET_UUID=$(xe network-list bridge=xenbr0 params=uuid | awk '{ print $5 }')
# echo $NET_UUID
# VM_UUID=$(xe vm-install template=CentOS\ 7 new-name-label=CentOS7-1)
# echo $VM_UUID
# VIF_UUID=$(xe vif-create mac=random device=0 vm-uuid=$VM_UUID network-uuid=$NET_UUID)
# echo $VIF_UUID
# xe vm-param-set uuid=$VM_UUID other-config:install-repository=nfs://
# xe vm-start uuid=$VM_UUID
But when I use the console
command in order to complete the installation of the operating system: I get this...
# xe console uuid=$VM_UUID
No text console available
And when I search Xenstore for the VNC-port information I get this:
# xe vm-param-list uuid=$VM_UUID | grep dom-id
dom-id ( RO): -1
What have I done wrong? How can I determine the root cause of the failure?
Eric Pretorious
Reno, Nevada