6 hosts had originally been running 8.3 for half a year. A bit of time had passed since I had last checked for updates when I noticed several were waiting to be installed. I accepted this in XO, and honestly did not check what the individual updates did. The names and texts are greek to me (and I speak Norwegian :-).
When the updates were installed I only rebooted one of the six hosts: XCP-ng-005. I do not remember if this was because I was interrupted by a phone call or colleague or something.
When I checked back after the reboot I noticed that none of the VMs had come up. Then I discovered all the other symptoms.
Since no VM could be started on the rebooted host - and all were running fine on the remaining 5 hosts - I chose to not reboot any of the other hosts.
Fearing that the same thing that happened to XCP-ng-005 will happen to the rest upon reboot I will delay doing so until Vates tell me when it suits them best. Perhaps monday morning is extra busy because week-end has passed. If so then I will wait until tuesday or wednesday.
If it turns out that the remaining hosts reboots fine and the sole reason for my worries was XCP-ng-005 broken mirror then I will LOL. Then ask if we can have some more visible notification in XO when a RAID breaks so we won't have to scour logs to discover such important events.
RAID install:
The only servers I had 8.2 on originally were XCP-ng-001 and 002. Those I could install 8.2 fine. They had ony one drive each. -Could not afford more back then.
XCP-ng-001 died after some time. This was a small testing/learning server. No big loss.
Then I put 003, 004 and 005 together using different hardware than 001 and 002. Here: Trying to install 8.2 failed : Black screen midway during install.
Reading the forums I read that 8.3 had better driver support for modern PC hardware. This worked fine.
Two more small servers were added later to host only a handful of VMs (SQL, file server, file backup). These were also installed with 8.3 to "standardize" on this version which I had come to rely on. Had forgotten that this was a beta.
I had long planned on upgrading XCP-ng-002 to 8.3. But since this host only has one drive I planned on emptying VMs over to other hosts, then install the second drive and clean-install it with 8.3 instead of upgrading it. Installing XCP-ng is a walk in the park, and I have had better experience with clean-installs rather than upgrades when it comes to OSes.
In short: No currently running hosts have been upgraded.
Only time I've even tried upgrading was recently when experimenting on XCP-ng-008.
Learning that v8.3 is beta and not recommended for production environments I was desperate since only one of my hosts could install 8.2 without black screen.
Then stormi gave me an 8.2.1 image with additional drivers. This installed fine on the hardware I use.
I then did some testing with upgrading and downgrading between 8.2 and 8.3 to learn what worked and not. Learning that downgrading will not preserve VMs (it states this clearly in the installation routine) I did a clean-install of 8.2.1 on XCP-ng-008 before re-creating all VMs from the failed 005 host on 008 (took me 22 hours of hard concentrated work).
So I have been presented with the RAID step during upgrade from 8.2 to 8.3, and remember having navigated into it to see that both drives were still selected. But the servers in production are all clean-installed and not upgraded.
I fear I have not replied to your question. If you do not find the answer in my text then please help me understand