@Dataslak said in After installing updates: 0 bytes free, Control domain memory = 0B:

Thank you for your kind words!
Yes, the hosts are located physically in the same room. But due to a mix of issues with slow performance from the 1Gbps network cards (cheap non-intel cards with poor driver availability) and me not having the money to purchase XO license initially + other things and worries I have yet to gather the hosts into a pool. I will get to that when I find room to breathe 🙂

Thank you for the tip about VM migration can not go on >24hrs. Luckily I run small VMs of 35GB.

May I ask if you have any experience migrating hosts between 8.2.1 and 8.3?

From 8.2.1 should be fine, from 8.3 to 8.2.1 might be a problem.
I think that if your VM's are only 35Gb it should be fine to migrate them between hosts even on 1Gbps network, also you can do it without having them in a pool so I think you should try with a test VM and see how long it takes.