@olivierlambert said in vGPU - which graphics card supported?:
@biztems keep us posted please
We'd like to know the result!
Yep, just bought one, will report soon
@olivierlambert said in vGPU - which graphics card supported?:
@biztems keep us posted please
We'd like to know the result!
Yep, just bought one, will report soon
@Arvee said in vGPU - which graphics card supported?:
I did not test 4K but it looks like it is at least supported by the drivers. Not sure how well the S7150 would do with that as it is fairly old, but it appears to be there.
Thank you very much for your help! It should be okay - we're not going to do CAD or anything on it, just large pictures and 4K videos (and those should be decoded entirely in hardware by the S7150, AFAIK).
Thanks again!
@olivierlambert said in vGPU - which graphics card supported?:
K2 aren't supported indeed because we lack some closed source part. We could rewrite those ourselves, but nobody asked, hence it's not a priority.
Well, if it's not too much work, that would be great! Grid K2s are quite cheaper these days, and it'd be a great way to introduce low-cost VDIs along with xcp-ng.
@AllooTikeeChaat said in vGPU - which graphics card supported?:
Unfortunately K1/K2 Nvidia Grid cards are only supported on Xenserver 7.1, so if you want to be using them you'll have to go to the latest 7.1 LTSR release. Think that was a decision by Nvidia so that they could change the licensing model for their successor M60 grid cards.
If you want an equivalent to the K1/K2 your only option is the AMD MxGPU's - performance wise the S7510 FirePro is as good as the Nvidia M60 and without the additional licensing.
Nvidia Quadro and AMD Vega/RX cards for pass through only will work with XCP-NG.
Feared as much - I remember testing it with XenServer 7.1 back when it wasn't yet LTSR... Looks we'll have to go that route.
I was looking into the AMD cards as well, but we've got this K2 laying around which I wanted to put to use.
@olivierlambert said in vGPU - which graphics card supported?:
- NVIDIA GRID: closed source driver (binary), closed source vGPU mechanism (not in XCP-ng until someone decide to develop one in Open Source), need supported GPUs (GRID compatible card + subscription/license)
- AMD MxGPU: drive is likely Open Source, it's using SR-IOV (standard), there's might be a Citrix Hypervisor/XenServer "driver" somewhere. Compatible hardware? AMD Radeon Pro V340 or *Firepro S7150 seems to be supported. KVM got an Open Source driver so if we miss something for Citrix, we could adapt it.
- Intel GPU: I think I tested it and it worked, but Intel GPU aren't really powerful.
If someone got a Pro V340 or S7150 card, that might be interesting to test.
Does that mean that an Nvidia Grid K2 won't work as vGPU in xcp-ng?
I've got a Grid K2 laying around that I was hoping to use on an xcp-ng server...
If Intel GPUs are supported I might have to look into those (they'll be used mainly for VDI with light 3D usage)