@TeddyAstie thank you for investigating.
RE: OmniOS / Illumos / Solaris as a guest - not working
RE: OmniOS / Illumos / Solaris as a guest - not working
@TeddyAstie thanks for looking into this. Do you have any updates here? Any workarounds or bug reports I can follow for updates?
RE: OmniOS / Illumos / Solaris as a guest - not working
I've hit a blocker in my migration to xcp-ng. I'm using OmniOS as a lightweight file server with Napp-it management interface.
I reached a point where I needed to add two additional VIF's to support some additional VLANs bring the OmniOS VM total to four. Unfortunately only the first two are mapped to devices in OmniOS. Open to any ideas here.
RE: OmniOS / Illumos / Solaris as a guest - not working
@Andrew Thanks for confirming, it seems to be working fine so at least I can progress.
Can I ask what vm guest tools you are running? I dont see Solaris/Illumos/OmniOS listed in the wiki so not sure how to proceed. -
RE: OmniOS / Illumos / Solaris as a guest - not working
Enabling 'Viridian' enables the client to boot but with some errors.
RE: OmniOS / Illumos / Solaris as a guest - not working
Another potential new user here looking to migrate from VMWare and evaluating Proxmox and xcp-ng.
I was leaning towards xcp-ng until I hit a blocker with laetst OmniOS 151052 and xcp-ng 8.3 that fails to boot in UEFI or BIOS modes. I tried 8.2 as well that also fails.any suggestions greatly appreciated.