I'm developing my own playbooks and roles for ansible using xen_orchestra inventory module.
In XenOrhestra I created:
- ansible user with "User" type
- added ansible user into new ansible group
- logged in with another web browser using ansible user credentials = i see nothing (it's okay)
- I created an ACL for ansible user group with role "Viewer" for 6 standalone pools (6 standalone servers XCP-ng)
- Switched to my browser again. Ansible user able to see all 6 Hosts,Pools and all vm's running on it.
- I specified ansible user credentials in xen_orchestra inventory file
- executed
ansible-inventory -i ./path/to/my/inventory/file/xen_orchestra.yaml --graph
and saw EVERYTHING (not only my 6 hosts! dozens my servers, all my vm's of all my projects which ansible user unable to see through browser)
Is it an issue or I don't understand something?
It looks like XO ACL not working well with ansible.