@stormi I was very thin on providing information, Sorry about that.
Using docker container XO I applied the patches and did something else for maybe 20 or 30 minutes. Then there were no more pending patches but also no mention of a necessary reboot. Usually I get two warning triangles, one for no-support for XO and the other that a reboot is necessary to apply the patches.
I was a bit suprised that the 88 patches didn't require a reboot but I wanted to do one anyway.
After putting the host in maintenance mode I pressed 'Smart Reboot' and let it do it's magic (the magic reboot loop that time).
Maybe I did not wait long enough. To be honest I don't really now what I would check to see if the patches are finished with applying. Usually when no there are no patches pending I do reboot. Seems I was just lucky with the Lenovo not having the problem.