@olivierlambert I have a question for you on the AMD platform you have listed in this thread. I am looking at updating my current setup to a newer amd zen 4 cpu and motherboard. My question is are you able to pass through some of the usb ports from this motherboard or would I still need to use a dedicated pci USB device. I'm asking because currently I have a separate PCI USB device for pass through, but I am hopefull that in my next build I don't need to have a separate USB PCI slot taken and can just use the USB ports on the motherboard?
Thanks for any insight. I do know this is an edge case and most don't need the USB pass through like this, but I have a few USB devices I need to provide to a VM.
Quick Edit, I know you can do just a plan USB passthrough, but I am looking at the PCI level so that on host restarts I dont' have to redo USB passthrough each time. Because right now with my gpu and USB pci card on host restart I dont' have to re-pass through these devices.