Hi, Everyone!
I've two environment with XCP-NG, a with XCP-NG 8.2.0 where I use for tests. The other, it is a XCP-NG 8.2.1, this I use for production.
I wrote a playbook for to create VMs in XCP-NG. In test environment ( 8.2.0) I dind't have problem, but when I ran the playbook in produciton environmet for me the ansible showed a error when it try to create a VM.
This is the error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "XAPI ERROR: ['HANDLE_INVALID', 'host', 'OpaqueRef:45ceb5df-0d7f-4485-98b5-af8439f6cbd2']"}
In logs i found the lines with de error menseges.
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] host.get_record D:74f5c816f7e9 failed with exception Db_exn.DBCache_NotFound("missing row", "host", "OpaqueRef:45ceb5df-0d7f-4485-98b5-af8439f6cbd2")
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] Raised Db_exn.DBCache_NotFound("missing row", "host", "OpaqueRef:45ceb5df-0d7f-4485-98b5-af8439f6cbd2")
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 1/9 xapi Raised at file ocaml/database/db_cache_impl.ml, line 135
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 2/9 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/db_actions.ml, line 8160
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 3/9 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/rbac.ml, line 197
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 4/9 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/rbac.ml, line 205
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 5/9 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/server_helpers.ml, line 92
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 6/9 xapi Called from file ocaml/xapi/server_helpers.ml, line 113
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 7/9 xapi Called from file lib/xapi-stdext-pervasives/pervasiveext.ml, line 24
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 8/9 xapi Called from file map.ml, line 135
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace] 9/9 xapi Called from file src/sexp_conv.ml, line 156
Apr 29 15:32:53 xcp-ng-r740 xapi: [error||1967426 :::80||backtrace]
Can someone help me in this case?
Bellow I putted the playbook that I used.
- name: Tentativa de criação VM
hosts: localhost
vars_files: /home/teste/ansible/vars/xen_localhost_vars.yml
tasks:- name: Criando VM
hostname: "{{ xenserver }}"
username: "{{ xenserver_username }}"
password: "{{ xenserver_password }}"
#validate_certs: false
folder: /teste/vm
name: teste
state: poweredon
#template: Debian11_Disk30G
template_uuid: "{{ templete_vm }}"
disks:- size_gb: 40
sr_uuid: xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx
num_cpus: 1
num_cpu_cores_per_socket: 1
memory_mb: 1024
#type: iso
#iso_name: guest-tools.iso
networks: - name: network0
#mac: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:18
#wait_for_ip_address: true
#delegate_to: localhost
register: deploy
- size_gb: 40
- name: deploy
msg: "{{ deploy }}"
- name: Criando VM
Sorry me about my English, because it is in building