VM backup to local storage
I’m trying to back up 3 VM’s inside XEN Orchestra. I have configured a 10 TB external drive as a remote backup. The VM backup job and schedule are configured without issue and start as they should. In the end they fail for some reason. I have also created 2 additional jobs 1 for metadata and 1 for XO Config that claim to have completed successfully. When I look at the backup destination, the drive is empty. When I do a test on the remote location it says “The remote appears to work correctly”. Not sure what I am missing. Any ideas. Thanks.
hi, take a look at the job properties, have you selected the target storage for backup?
Yes, I created a local back up drive. It is a 10 TB drive on my local machine. When I test the connection as mentioned above it says it appears to be working fine.
What further information can I provide to get some help with this issue. I am very interested in learning how to use this product successfully. I watched the videos and tried my best to recreate the steps. If anyone has any further input or experience with remote storage creation, I would be grateful for your input. Thanks again.
It's very likely a configuration issue. Are you sure you are writing where you think you are actually writing?
@olivierlambert Thanks again for the reply. I’m looking into it more. I think I need to add the storage directly to the VM running XO. I was trying to use a drive connected to a drive on my local network. Though it says it can talk to the drive, it does not reach it. I’m trying now to add an NFS to the XO server.