[WARNING] XCP-ng Center shows wrong CITRIX updates for XCP-ng Servers - DO NOT APPLY - Fix released
@pdonias just started to work on a first implementation. Be sure you'll have news as soon we got something
@Biggen said in [WARNING] XCP-ng Center shows wrong CITRIX updates for XCP-ng Servers - DO NOT APPLY - Fix released:
This is the reason I think xcp-ng Center should be abandoned and a prebuilt/stripped down XOA should be provided and take its place. People can then upgrade to a full blown XOA if they wish.
Having to maintain two points of entry seems a waste of resources and fraught with another way bugs could enter the system.
Glad you caught it!
XCP-NG Center is the Best interface GUI that I never seen for an hypervisor, simple fastest we see everything we need, the console is large, dont need to click 1000 time to find informations... Thanks to development team to continue to provide this soft, I use XCP-NG because this interface exist, I dont really like the New Web interface mode in our century, slow, refresh thΓ© Web page, bug, slow console... Lot of Web in our century, it is an error to put everything in Web mode, like to put everything in the cloud, and have Γ management interface out of the hypervisor is smart, because if your internal management interface in VM MODE is broken, and if you dont have other solution, your dead
That's why you'll have XOLite: no extra VM to deploy to manage your host.
There's no reason you can't have a web UI that's as fast as an heavy client.
@olivierlambert Yeah this is exciting. And for single host setups hopefully, during a system rebuild/restore, we will be able to use XO Lite to attach the host to our backup repos and restore all VMs from backups. All without having to install the xcp-ng Center or install a XO VM.
No, XOLite won't be able to deal with backups. It's not its job. Think it as a replacement of XCP-ng Center or XOA Free.
@olivierlambert Ah ok, darn. Was hopeful that would be one of the features.
No matter. Still excited to see the product.
Also you don't have to "install" anything to restore backup, a freshly imported XOA will do it easily
@olivierlambert If one is running XO from sources in a single host system and having to do a full host recovery, what is the method to re-attach to the backup repo in order to recover VMs? XOA isn't an option in this scenario is it? Does XOA free allow you to import VM backups?
Just do once a VM export of your VM hosting XO, keep the XVA somewhere. If you lose your host, just import that XVA with
for example, and that's it -
@olivierlambert Excellent! Thanks!
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